Kunaigirl's Literatures

1 year, 2 months ago
1 year, 2 months ago
2 2464

Proto: One Robot’s Data-Log Entry A short story by Kunaigirl Words: 2,337 ---------

"Dear Data Log. I’m writing this all out to ease my mind. My therapist said logging what I feel can help easy the heaviness of my emotions. I’m testing out his theory here, at this moment. I’m not sure where to start, so let me wing it starting now. Thank you in advance, data-log...

My name is Proto.

Proto. It’s what was engraved on my arm. I assumed it was my name, because what else could it be? It was clear as day, P-R-O-T-O! Some time later, I was told it was short for...well, “Prototype.”

Ah, I’m getting a little ahead of myself, aren’t I? Let me begin again. I’m not good at this, and I have a lot to say."