
Viärilare is my fantasy world I've had since I was 14.

Most off the gods info is currently incorrect after I added the "creator" and planet gods, making Kaitiaki, Rewera and Moeki are still the gods but less powerful.
Viärilare is in a way earth long long before the dinosaurs and humans existed.
There were 4 large landmasses and some smaller islands that wasn't covered in water, the world was ruled by three gods, large four legged beings, they were the last of the previous living on the planet.
Kaititaki, god of life
Rewera, god of rebirth
Moeki, god of all

Moeki was the one who decided everything, what should be kept and what should be thrown away, he created and destroyed whatever he choose too, but he usually only brought souls to Rewera to guide to the living. However he became corrupted and almost destroyed all of Viärilare [twice]
Kaitiaki took care of everything that was currently living and made areas his brother rewera destroyed turn green again.
Rewera took care of all the was dying, showing souls to their new bodies and destroying forests were there was sickness.

The people of Viärilare were called Viärilan's
They were devided in two groups, the Florans and the Faunans, as it sounds, one group is connected to plants and the other animals.
The Florans preferred to keep hidden away from the rest of Viärilare, their kind is skilled and has created many things like, Permanent housing with running water, gold and iron jewelry, domesticated livestock, woven fabrics, silks, books, pearls and so much more. They also had the only Sa-hame [shaman] in the whole of Viärilare that had a direct connection to the gods and her name was Stalumea.
The Florans was also the closest to looking like a normal human exept for their iris being all black giving them colorless eyes and their hair being "unatural" colors, mostly greenish with a very soft, kind of always damp texture that got stiffer and a but dry during autumn and winter.

The Faunans however where more primitive than the Florans.
While the Florans was living in one large group and being pretty much the same as each other the Faunans had a lot of different races/species.
The Faunans shared pieces and appearances of todays animals.
Lets take the main characters for example, Seasta's clan is based of bobcats and caracals and Tegeu's clan is based off snow leopards.
The Faunans preferred to keep with their own race/species but it wasn't uncommon for different clans to work together or that viärilans from different races/species fell in love with eachother.

The whole clan thing is based of Michelle pavers books wolf brothers/Chronicles of ancient darkness, which I just learned there is a part 7 and 8 to OH MY GOD I HAVE TO GET THEM.

got ref humanoid male Female most used secret santa dq Genderless NSFW female