Eternal Elements

The third world war caused great devastation to the Earth, causing the boundaries separating it from Heaven and Hell to crack. Oppressed by demons, the humans sought help from the gods, and received magic from the goddess Animelia. Generations later, the war between humans and demons has come to a stalemate. Rynol awakes unable to remember his past after being told he was struck by lightning while traveling. Joining the company of the ones who saved him, Rynol searches for his past and why he bears the mark of the Eternal Elements on his face.

The power/magic used by the humans in this world is granted by a powerstone located on the forehead (from birth). The color of the stone correlates to the element that person can wield. A very small amount pf people can use two elements, they will have a powerstone with two color, and it is also known as a duel stone. (Rynol is an anomaly to this rule)

Some people, smaller portion of the human population, can take on a spirit beast form. This form resembles an animal (some are made up composite creatures such as griffons). The form can only be taken for a limited amount of time, this time varies from person to person. (generally no more then 3 hours a day) 

humanoid artfight feral lessn10pics 9 11 7 alt form 5 8 secondary dragon 4 need art demon primary decay of terra protagonist fave2 12 white and silver 6 green wings top fave tertiary red cryptids blue grumpycat 100 pu1 trick tears researchers coollion blood elf god canine Ffalan brownnblack treat horse dark space Decay of Terra Decay of Terra Hvara purple royalty humal blondengold sky mirror immortal Terra halfbeast humonoid 12 guardian World want art Needs Art centaur Fave2 Fearoc Tertiary demoi fox heir 12 deep sea goddess