Lance-Lunis's Profile Comments

Hey Lance!

I was just wondering, as I'm compiling my pairs and breeding pairs into a trello, do you still happen to own Toriko, Eleanor's mate? ^^ I don't mind if you do or don't, but I'd just like to know if you still do, and if you know the current owner so I can discuss if the pair can stay together.

I tried looking through your folders but alas, I cannot find the pretty Toriko :'D Not sure if she's just still on or something, so please let me know! Thank you and sorry for bothering you if I did. Oops :'3

Hey. This isn't Lance, sadly XD It's Kitkat from Ovi. I had started to upload all of Lance's wolves onto here, and have yet to finish. All of their wolves are still in Stash, so I can look if you'd like me too^^

Ah, alrighty !

That makes sense ! I completely forgot about that aha xD Good luck with that though, oi o.o many woofs !

But yes please, I'd love to know so I can at least link them from there ! Thank you aah ;; sorry for the bother !

Hey TSK, I do indeed still own Toriko, haven't yet added her on th, but i'll let u know when ^^

Alrighty! <3 Good to hear! dances happily

Saw you got a ton of your mist wolves uploaded too which is great xD Keep up the good workkk