
LeafJelly's Codes

My code customs are currently: CLOSED

My Code Bulletin Code Guide Tip Jar
  1. DO NOT remove my code credits.
  2. DO NOT redistribute purchased codes to anyone, not even privately. Each pay to use code/code bundle is intended for one user. Redistrubuting purchased codes underminds the time and work I put into making the code.
  3. Turn off WYSIWYG before using my HTML codes and while editing! If you don't, it'll get messed up. You can find this in your display settings.
  4. You can modify and frankestein my codes with credit to all the source codes, and only if the other coders allow it.
  5. You may not redistribute frankesteined codes under your own name, claiming it as your own work. Privately sharing frakensteined codes with a small group of friends is okay.
  6. You're allowed to heavily modify my codes, as long as credit to me stays on the page.
  7. You don't have to comment/faveorite the code if you're using one of my codes, but I'd love to know if you are!
  • Use this live TH editor when editing my codes. This website allows you to visually see all the changes you make, and has a undo button (ctrl+z) in case you break something.
  • Be careful not to delete any
or " " you see in the code, if you delete these it often breaks the code. Quotes need to stay around the text they're surrounding. Any URLs you see in the code is a image that can be change HTML codes can be placed in any character or user profile description and does not need TH premium to be used! After turning OFF WYSIWYG simply copy and paste the code into the description/content box. CSS is a TH Premium feature, that changes the layout of your ENTIRE TH Theme. HTML only affects content inside the character/user content box (the area you normally type in.)

forever homed personal more art orikero cs mignyan html b AF OTHER TAG EO f2u character custom colors y5k a more art 3 sylvari more art 2 gw2 x