'Artificial Existence'(AE) universe is a collection of various personification OCs (armament-turn-humanoid-android style) based on actual armaments currently used in Russian armed forces. The main genre is comedy, occasionally drama and semi-historical. Some political events in the past(prior 2006) will be mentioned in passing without going into details. For more information or if you have a question, please take a look at FAQs here.

          The reason I draw all my warship OCs as men is, it's a norm in Russia that ships involved in military are always perceived as being male gender and most ships are categorized as 'korabl' (корабль) which is a male gender noun.

 WARNING:: These OCs have nothing to do with ongoing real world politics and current events 


          Present day Russia, based on real world history up until the end of 2005 which from 2006 onward, some events that occurred in the real world don't necessarily also happen in this universe. Therefore, events that happened in the real world since 2006 but do not exist in this universe are as following:

  • --- Russo-Georgian War in 2008
  • --- Russia-Ukraine conflict concerning Crimea (in this universe, Crimea still belongs to Ukraine)
  • --- Syrian War and ISIS-related conflicts

          ↓These OCs below are created purely out of curiosity and are not part of the main canon plot.

Art Fight roster Northern Fleet Pacific Fleet SSBN cruiser destroyer ordinary human flagship Female FGO Project 1155 Udaloy Fregat FATE Grand Order Parody Borey Baltic Fleet Roman era Atlant project 1144 Orlan SSGN Kievan Rus Era Kaliningrad Lineage Old OC Revise project 955 project 949A Russian City Kievan Rus Serbian city project 941 Akula Antey former flagship naval aviation Kalmar project 667BDRM Capital City Ordinary human project667BDR Frigate Delta-IV aka Delfin ATSR Veles Allies Ex-Yugo Russian Army Fancharacter fighter jet Sarych Leningrad Lineage Yastreb inactive character mafia Peruns Rival Polish Sukhoi Project11435 Flower personification No art ref Ex-yugo LCAC Russian VVS project 955 A ufs 1900s Peruns Allies Icebreaker Croatian city Dead Character Egyptian Navy Yugoslavia Thailand chimera Kursk Oblast Master NFS Not active Monarch Ukrainian RP group OC Suwannawasan Black Sea Fleet frigate Chinese Navy Zubr Fighter jet Imperial Russian Navy Rosatom Basketball badass Test Subject Kingdom Hearts Lithuanian US Navy Fate grand order Fan Character priest MonsterVerse Fairy Tale Descendant Mythical Creature Ordinary Human helicopter Caspian Flotilla Spy Sub Arkhangelsk Oblast Protected Cruiser Croatian Character design hockey kid Balkan Keyblade Wielder Major God Food Fantasy Saint Seiya Barnsley Legendary Godzilla Thai RP group OC Makara Kamov Nothern Fleet Air Force MiG Yaroslavl Oblast Warship Personification not using in plot city personification hybrid Ukrainian City Slovak City Ballet dancer NFT Specter shapeshifter Legendary MonsterVerse Thai Southeast Asian Aircraft carrier project6677BDR