Succession Rites

          To the majority of Slavic people, the mystical island ‘Buyan’ is a place only existed in fairy tales. To a handful of the same demographic group, they know Buyan actually exists, with a school on it, in the middle of Lake Ladoga with veiling fog year round.

          A spin-off project with the setting of magical schools exist for hundreds of years around the world to educate 'descendants of fables' - the people who wield power of fairy tale characters. For some reason, after the invention of printing press by Johannes Gutenberg in 1440, characters in fairy tales began to appear in real world. Being in the middle age, some with the fable power were mistaken for witchcraft and face persecution. Thus, these 'new additions' to human society learned to band together and live along side ordinary humans while concealing their powers most of the time. The first school for children who were born from these 'fable people' was first opened in France in 1700, then slowly expanded to other parts of the world. There are two in Russia -one for boys located in Lake Ladoga since late 19th century and then the girls' side split away in 1980, moving eastward to the foot of Urals Mountains in Bashkortostan.

           The main setting for this plot is the school in Lake Ladoga, other seven schools will be mentioned in background story.

Art Fight roster Northern Fleet Pacific Fleet SSBN cruiser destroyer ordinary human flagship Fregat Female FGO Project 1155 Udaloy Roman era Atlant project 1144 Orlan FATE Grand Order Parody Borey Baltic Fleet naval aviation Kalmar Antey former flagship Kievan Rus Era Kaliningrad Lineage SSGN Old OC Revise project 955 Russian City Kievan Rus Serbian city project 941 Akula project 949A Flower personification No art ref Ex-yugo Capital City Ordinary human project667BDR project 667BDRM ATSR Veles Allies Ex-Yugo Russian Army Fancharacter fighter jet Sarych Leningrad Lineage Frigate Delta-IV aka Delfin mafia Peruns Rival Polish Sukhoi Project11435 Yastreb inactive character Yaroslavl Oblast Warship Personification not using in plot city personification hybrid Ukrainian City Slovak City Ballet dancer NFT Specter shapeshifter Legendary MonsterVerse Thai Southeast Asian Aircraft carrier project6677BDR Air Force MiG ufs 1900s Peruns Allies Icebreaker Croatian city Dead Character Egyptian Navy Yugoslavia Thailand chimera Kursk Oblast Master NFS Not active Monarch Ukrainian RP group OC Suwannawasan Black Sea Fleet frigate Chinese Navy LCAC Russian VVS project 955 A Imperial Russian Navy Rosatom Basketball badass Test Subject Kingdom Hearts Lithuanian US Navy Fate grand order Fan Character priest MonsterVerse Fairy Tale Descendant Mythical Creature Ordinary Human helicopter Caspian Flotilla Zubr Fighter jet Arkhangelsk Oblast Protected Cruiser Croatian Character design hockey kid Balkan Keyblade Wielder Major God Food Fantasy Saint Seiya Barnsley Legendary Godzilla Thai RP group OC Makara Kamov Nothern Fleet Spy Sub