Lillium-Ryn's Profile Comments

The Ancient smiles, snapping his book closed in a punctual manner. "My, my- snuck right past the machinations, did you? Well, since you're here, can I interest you in some tea~? And perhaps you can tell me just -how- you managed to get past my wards so I might improve them further."

"Ewoh! Ewoh!" The Jolleraptor zooms between your feet, before deciding that your shoelaces are premium snackies.

(Thank you for the favourite~)

The small critter has bounced onto your profile and smacks its paws on the proverbial floor, letting out a string of happy chitters. Seems like it's grateful for the favourite!

"My, my! Aren't you the cutie pie~? Tell you what, darling- you swing by my show tonight at 8:00, and I'll show you how grateful for that favourite I really can be."

There's a small tapping on your shoulder, and as you turn around you're greeted by a small, plump little dragonling. He grins wide, offering a small 'chrrrrp' noise as he puffs out his chest. Looks like he wants to stick around for awhile!

(Thank you for the favourite!)