MLP!Celestial Bodies

'Equestria isn't the only Land out there, And the Sisters' family is much bigger than any pony ever thought.'

Celestial Bodies is an MLP!verse where the world is much, much wider than just Equestria. There are faraway lands populated by ponies, changelings, dragons, and other creatures specific to those places. And in each land, an Alicorn rules over the Ponies there, and sometimes even the entire land.

The fact that these Alicorns also happen to be cousins to Celestia and Luna is just a coincidence. Maybe.

List of Planet Alicorns:

Mercury - (Not designed yet)
Venus - (Not designed yet)
Earth - Maiden, Mother and Matron
Mars - The Warrior Princess
Jupiter - The Lightning Collector
Saturn - The Temporal Dancer
Uranus - (Not designed yet)
Neptune - (Not designed yet)
Pluto - Grandfather Death