The Pack


Savannah dwellers Meyla and Scharlo, a sister and brother pair, are the last pups to have survived a lion attack on their family. They survived by following around an old bull elephant, using him as protection as they were no threat to him and they stayed out of sight. 

When they grew into young adults, the siblings adopt into their pack Dena, a younger mixed feline who was abandoned. They live as a family of three for a good stretch of time before they later discover Honey, walking around all alone and behaving quite odd for an African water dog. They adopt the odd female into the Pack to soon learn she is not as she seems...but she does become a part of the family regardless her oddities.

They have tribal wear fitting for the heat and harsher climate, as well as spears to protect their growing Pack. They are omnivores but have heavy carnivorous tendencies, surviving mainly on meat they hunt.

They collect rare minerals they find in abundance out in the ‘wild’ part of the savannah, and bring it back to a more civilized market once a year to swap for other goods like building materials and medicines they might not get otherwise living out in the brush.


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