M0THSODA's Bulletins

Transgenderism be upon ye

Posted 1 month, 20 days ago by M0THSODA

It's March 31st still in my timezone and for the International Transgender Day of Visibility I felt like an update was much needed regarding my identity and gender journey.

I am an (trans) agender lesbian, and my pronouns are they/it! Maybe it's not quite the end of my journey, yet it still feels like a milestone, because I'm proud enough to yell it to the entire globe. I still do not know if I want top surgery and T, I guess it's a bit early in my thinking process to tell yet (im like, 80% sure I want a top surgery but I want to take my time :-)).

IMP : I am now uncomfortable to be called Adé because it brings me back to the period I started going by that surname - where I was shutting down my gender questioning by being the most cis:tm: female you'd ever know. So yeah. Dysphoria much now that I come to think about that time. Just a heads-up! I now go by Indie (preferred) or Rain.

Okay thank you for your time. Aannnnd I'm out.

◻︎ Comment to be auth'ed ◻︎

Posted 4 months, 19 days ago by M0THSODA

edit 01.20 : this is still ongoing - if you're visiting and cannot see important characters, that's why!

I'm going to make my characters private for a while (for authorized users only), so feel free to comment if you'd like to be added to the list! A lot has happened recently that makes me feel genuinely unsafe on an open space, so that's why I feel like limiting access to my characters too. If you're from my former server please do not ask for permission as I will not be granting it, thank you!


Posted 1 year, 1 month ago by M0THSODA

Hi! Sorry for the inactivity this last month and a half. I happened to work as an intern at the Tourist Office in the south of France, resulting in me having too little energy to do anything at all ;w;" I really love my work, but it is indeed very draining.

But I'll be back at my usual work rate starting Saturday. Sorry for any delay about commissions, I haven't forgotten them and I'm trying to be as transparent as possible about my current status :) I sincerely hope you all are doing well and i'll see you later!

・COMING OUT (rambling)

Posted 1 year, 5 months ago by M0THSODA

I don't really know how to preface this, so let's just say it in raw form : i am agender

You may know I have identified as genderfluid for a long while now. Thing is ; i never switched genders, i was just permanently 'neutral'. But also it was hard to tell because my perception of gender is weird due to my autism. And I'm still trying to figure things out, so please bear with me! But, yes, I had a lot of fun facts that foreshadowed this coming out. In late 2017, one of my ex friends came out as agender, something I was deeply upset about without exactly knowing why. At some point I just thought it was because I liked the flag and didn't want non-binary faking people to use it. Silly, because in retrospective, it had awakened my little agender spark that couldn't be out of the time (because I lived in a conservative town, I pushed these thoughts away during years).

I am very happy with the label I'm using now and it feels right to me to call myself an "agender lesbian". Bit of a reminder, if you will; i use they/she/it pronouns!

Again, I feel like finding myself more but only time will tell. Thank you so much for reading, and here's to 2023 being my true self ♡

psa - i told my best friend earlier today while we were sleeping in, she just said, "oh right, i had kinda figured out already" with the lightest possible tone, it made me really happy. I love my best friend so much :)

・SOBBING (positive vent)

Posted 1 year, 7 months ago by M0THSODA

>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GhMC2bTe5Uw <<

the album was released two days ago but ive been sobbing ever since, hearing my idol talking about pure, tender love is such a life changer lol. i think i kinda have the impression of growing old with her, since i was introduced to Thérapie TAXI when i was a teen, it fitted the codebreaker and provocative mood I was in, especially being in a conservative town i just needed a gasp of fresh air and that's what the band gave me, in so many ways, they gave me closure.

But times change and people grow, just like Adé did, and we're transitioning from teenage years to adulthood, even if i'm 21 and she's 26. This album comes out at the moment in my life when my PTSD diagnosis is not " relevant" anymore when talking about me because I am mostly healed and I'm learning to feel love again, slowly.

If I love Adé this much, that's probably because she always seems to figure me out through her songs. It feels amazing to have this connection with a singer, and I'm glad that's my case! Each time I've seen her in concert was beyond words, each time i go "she's real...she's so fucking real" after only hearing her on my phone or through instagram stories. She's real. And I'm going to her next concert on my birthday, January 25, 2023, in my city

For awhile between the end of Thérapie TAXI and her own path i was kinda over her but I'm back into her and I AM NEVER GOING TO SHUT UP ANYMORE- She's taught me so many more things that most people did and she holds a place no one will ever take in my heart

Anyways bye<3 i love her

・Character offers ・

Posted 1 year, 9 months ago by M0THSODA

Hey all! Thinking about a character purge... So, feel free to offer on anyone on my ToyHouse! (except the sonas folder please! they are forever homed!)

Remember I only take USD offers. Do not be afraid to lowball ; estimating character values is really hard for me as well! Of course, this post is made more out of curiosity but if any offer catches my eye, maybe you'll go home with a new baby!! :D

I shall add that the characters in 'yardsale'' can now be obtained with art! Once again, usd is preferred, but I don't mind art... fancy!


Thanks for checking that out! I really want some characters gone.

・Limited access ・

Posted 4 years, 5 months ago by M0THSODA

Alright ! It's time I discover how bulletins work-

For anyone who suddenly wondered why they couldn't see my fursonas / important characters ; they are limited to a very restricted audience for the moment. I've had issues with people stalking me lately and I dislike where it's going So for now I won't be authorizing anyone more from the *french* cat community ; my close friends are already authorized~ And for any english peep, you may ask for authorization !

this being said, i love nighty and sage. smoochy