Märchen Memory

"Fighting for everyone's happily ever after!"

Märchen Memory Precure

Themes: "Getting your own happy ending", expectations, destiny, memories and legacy

Motifs: Fairy tales, books, locks and keys

In a magical world known as the Fairy Tale Realm, the Council of Fairy Godmothers, its protectors, keep in the Fairy Library the Memory Keys, magical keys that contain all fairy tales. 

One day, a group of villains going by the name of the Wicked Court attacks the Fairy Library; their goal is to use the collective power of all the Keys to rewrite every story so that the villains can win and let evil defeat good. In a desperate attempt to save the natural order, the Fairies scatter the Keys to some of the most beloved and powerful stories throughout Earth so that they won’t fall into the villains’ hands. The plan initially works but now the Keys have to return to the Fairy Library, so the Council tasks a trainee named Merry with the mission of getting them back, but it won’t be easy because the Wicked Court has also come to Earth to get the Keys.

The first Key that Merry is able to find is the Spindle Key, which contains the story of Sleeping Beauty, but she’s soon attacked by a member of the Wicked Court, who’s able to corrupt the power of the Key and combine it with Merry’s fear of failure to create a Keyfiend. A highschool student named Kotobuki Ayaka sees the scene and despite being scared she’s determined to save the fairy, so she picks her up and runs away with her. While this happens, the Key “reacts” to Ayaka’s bravery by creating a little magic note, the Märchen Note, which transforms her into a magical guardian called Cure Briar, and with this new power she’s able to defeat the monster!

Now Ayaka swears to help Merry in her quest, soon followed by more Cures and other allies, banding together to find all the Memory Keys, protect Earth and the Fairy Tale Realm alike and let everyone get their "happily ever after".