Misato Kujo | Cure Crystal



1 year, 5 months ago


  • Intro: “Telling the tale of wishes and kindness, Cure Crystal!”
  • Theme color(s): blue
  • Motif(s): Cinderella, glass/crystal, clocks
  • Age: 16
  • Species: Human
  • Attacks: Crystal Wall (defensive), Crystal Shimmer (offensive 1), Glass Slipper Shatter (offensive 2)

Misato is a second year high school student in the same class as Ayaka and is initially drawn to her because of her cool personality, wishing she could be more like her. Misato is a friendly, outgoing and optimistic girl with a kind heart who always tries to see the best in everyone, even if sometimes this can lead her to being overly trusting or vulnerable to being taken advantage of. She has a vivid imagination, often ending up getting lost in her own thoughts as she daydreams about living the adventures she reads in her favorite stories as well as the ones she creates on her own, as well as a strong sense of wonder that lets her find joy in the little things. Misato dislikes conflict, getting easily upset by arguments or negative emotions from those around, and is also known to take criticism, even the constructive kind, personally. Despite her positive attitude, Misato’s childlike sense of wonder and imagination often makes her feel out of place compared to her more grounded peers, leading her to feel conflicted about herself, wondering if it’d be better to stay true to herself or to “improve” herself by becoming more like those around her.

Misato's parents, Masahiro and Tomoe, separated when she was still a young child and has been living with her father ever since. She loves her father and is able to see her mother from time to time, but she still feels a little sad that her parents aren't together. Her father recently got remarried to a woman named Murata Noriko, who has a daughter from a previous marriage, a little girl named Rio. Misato gets along well with her stepmother, although she still feels a little conflicted about her presence, and cares deeply about her little stepsister, eager to become the best big sister ever for her. She uses her vivid imagination as well as her love for fantastical stories, especially fairy tales, to create and write her own, weaving tales of adventure, romance, and magic that transport her and others to far-off worlds. Misato is also part of Castle’s Peak Academy’s theater club in the costume design department, using her imagination to create costumes that seem pulled straight from a picture book.