Kasumi Morinaka | Cure Cape



1 year, 1 month ago


  • Intro: “Telling the tale of courage and determination, Cure Cape!”
  • Theme color(s): red
  • Motif(s): Little Red Riding Hood, flowers, mist/shadows
  • Age: 15
  • Species: Human
  • Attacks: Cape Cover (defensive), Cape Charm (offensive 1), Crimson Hood Hurricane (offensive 2)

Kasumi is a first year high schooler, a year younger than Ayaka and Misato and in the same class as Kohaku. She is a shy and timid girl, often afraid to speak her mind or stand up for herself, often feeling overshadowed by her more outgoing and confident classmates. She’s easily scared and tends to get nervous in social situations. Despite this, she has a strong sense of justice and a desire to believe more in herself to finally be able to become a hero rather than always being the victim needing to be saved. As a child, Kasumi was often made fun of because of her shyness, which only made her retreat further into her shell, but this doesn’t stop her from being caring and loyal to her friends, willing to do anything to help them even if it means putting herself in danger.

Kasumi lives with her parents, Takashi and Erina, and her pet dog, Fubuki, a male husky whom she considers her best friend and confidant. She’s also very close to her grandmother, who has been a source of inspiration and guidance in her life. She has a deep appreciation for nature and spends a lot of her time outdoors, finding solace and inspiration in the beauty of the natural world. She enjoys collecting little trinkets from nature, such as flowers, leaves and pebbles. Kasumi also has a passion for drawing and painting, often losing herself in her art and using it as an outlet for her emotions and creativity. The rest of the Cures convinced her to join Castle’s Peak Academy’s theater club, where she’s part of the creative team and dedicates herself to designing sets and props.