Mail's Profile Comments Poking in here! Would you ever look at offers for this guy :0, (if not no worries) and what would ya look at?. would cccats be of interest?

They're not up for offers, sorry!

I hope its not rude to ask but would you ever look at offers/trades for n ?

I'm tentatively open, but I am super picky with designs as I heads up! :o I tend to like bird/insect/reptilian stuff.

Any chance you'd look at humanoids or usd offers or strictly designs with the bird insect n reptile stuff?

I'm not interested in USD offers atm! For humanoids, it's a tentative yes, but I'm very picky as a heads up! :o

Worth a try! I can offer the following!

These human designs:

Designs from here:

Im not sure if your into other closed species but these are sortof reptilian/lizard species!

I didn't see anything that caught my eye sadly! :o

4 Replies

Do you take offers on your Tbs? :0c

I will be, yes! :o Just waiting on the masterlists to be updated!

Oh! So should I wait for the ML to be updated to offer?

I suppose you could offer now? :o It's just that we wouldn't be able to make it official till they can keep track of the ownership log! But yes, ideally I would be looking for tb swaps. :D

Oh! Cool, well, I do have one Tb I could offer if you’re interested ^^

Ohh can you toss me their link? :o

2 Replies
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Indeed! :D Glad to be able to see your characters!!

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Ahh, thank you so much! :D

I always wonder if I have too many birb characters but then I go ahead and make another and WHELP.

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Ahha, eventually i'll probably have like 80% birb OCs and that's gonna be my life.

Thank you. :D If you're ever interested in a commission just message me!

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Ahh, good luck! I definitely recommend looking into the Birdfolk/Akriri species because they're too precious. x-x

You're welcome!

9 Replies