MamuEmu's Bulletins

New Trade TH coming soon!

Posted 6 years, 8 months ago by MamuEmu

I have been thinking on this for a bit of time, but I am gonna see about making a separate TH for trades and what not. It feels cluttered to have them on this account with characters I don't want to trade away ;.; plus it will be easier for me to link an entire account if someone is interested in a character.

I just need a name for it, but I'm stumped on one. Any suggestions at all?

Open to offers on (almost) everything!

Posted 6 years, 8 months ago by MamuEmu

I made a forum thread here on TH about it but I'd figure it would be good to make a post on my actual page too.

I'm looking for offers on everything that's not marked with my tag, 'mainbbys'. You can ignore my 'forever home' tag for the time being with me having this up!

I'm interested in finding heartbbys, galatiers, official faerins, and others! I have a wide interest and you can check it out here on my wishlist:

I'm open to resells, swaps, and trades (for what I specified earlier). You can offer art but I'm going to be extremely picky this time around. Mostly because a lot of the characters I have up are going to be difficult for me to let go ;w; Just note or comment and we can discuss further!

Need money for the week - resales

Posted 6 years, 10 months ago by MamuEmu

So I was a dummy and saw in my account I literally have no money for two weeks. So I decided to try and promote this post as much as I can. I have a number of resales happening and would like to see these cuties get a good home.

Thank you for looking ;w;

Question for WoW players on here

Posted 6 years, 11 months ago by MamuEmu

So um, I had some things come up recently in my game experience. Long story short, my guild I was raiding with as a back up has fallen apart. It's been about a month and I've not been able to find a good spot for what I wish to do now. I've been raiding with a group of people every weekend for 2 hours on Saturdays and Sundays. I thought I could keep with this and then eventually transfer servers, but sadly it looks like one of my buddies who I raid with may possibly be quitting WoW. My decision thus far as been to take my druid, who is a night elf and transfer her to Horde.

I hate to do this for a lot of reasons, but the two main ones are with money, and with the development I have had done to her over the 5+ years I've been playing this game. I did do a small test to see how she would look as a troll and so far I am happy with this, but I am not happy if I have to change things around story wise.

Is it at all possible to keep my story and everything I have intact, but have her be Horde for the sake of playing content? What do you guys think? :O I'm trying to see if others have done this kind of thing before but I haven't had much luck in finding out information.

Updated Profile & Questions

Posted 7 years, 20 days ago by MamuEmu

Hi there! Hope everyone is having a good spring thus far ;u; I've still been pretty busy with job hunting, working full time, and pushing to work on art and things when I can. It's been difficult, since I technically work 2nd shift x.x so I generally lose at least 5 days of the week thanks to my current job. Hence, why I am trying to search for other work. It also explains why I just haven't been able to draw either. I've been focused on paying bills and such, it's not fun x.x

Also question for you guys. I have several adopts that I have gotten from artists who are no longer active or have deactivated their accounts. I was contemplating on trading a couple of those, but then I thought to keep them because I like their designs and want to use them for future things. My question more specifically is, what do you usually do with a character that was from someone who is no longer active? I figured you would still give them credit, but what if their links are no longer there or don't work? Do you still follow the terms that were given to you?

I ask this because while I will still follow what was given to me when I received them, I'm just wondering what you guys have done in the past. That's about it, see you all soon!

New year and a new start

Posted 7 years, 3 months ago by MamuEmu

Just wanted to update my bulletin on my front page really fast since a lot has happened this past few weeks. I've graduated college, I'm starting to basically work full time, and I'm always tired now xD

I'm also still cleaning things out (while still adding in new things...derp). I've been on a search for a couple of species I've been wanting to have for a very long time, which I've posted on the forums about it too. I'm crossing my fingers to see if it will all work out.

That's about it, I'll be trying to do what I can while I adjust to this new life style I have now. See you all later!

Holidays and Job Searching

Posted 7 years, 4 months ago by MamuEmu

I hope everyone is doing well! I know I am so far. I got less than two weeks of classes left and graduation I'll finally be able to get a chance at good jobs! \o/ sorta kinda ha ha. Any who, hope you all are doing good regardless, I'm gonna still try to clean things out ;w; The keyword here is try ha ha. So yeah, see you guys around!

Resells ago and possible hiatus

Posted 7 years, 6 months ago by MamuEmu

Hey everyone! So I wanted to just post an update here because I wish to kind of explain a situation I've been having as of recently. With all of these adopt purchases, I've been having a lot more difficulty in terms of developing stories for these characters. I enjoy getting adopts and having a new character to play with but as of late, I've been losing my attachment to these characters lately...mostly because of how much time and money I have spent on them. For some, this is something they enjoy and there is nothing wrong with it. I was one of those people for a good long while. However...I've been losing my touch to a lot of things. I've hardly been drawing like I wish to do, my characters don't quite have stories like I wish for, and's draining my wallet a lot more than I expected.

I made the mistake as well of taking out credit cards, not just because of adopts. It was for my own life, as I felt I was responsible enough to handle them. Granted, I've tried to avoid using a lot of them for adopts, but it's turn into me using them for a lot of things. Food, emergency payments, and even Christmas shopping and medical issues. On the occasion, yes, they have been used for adopts, which is something I REALLY did want to avoid. Not just because it's bad on my part, but that I don't wish to have a horrible chargeback go to someone innocent. Fortunately this has not happened, but it is something I want to avoid.

So as of today, I will be severely cleaning out my collection of adopts. I am going to be pretty serious with who I give adopts to, I have noticed several people who have traded with me no longer have the adopts I have given them and since then, they are either with new owners and nobody knows where they are now, but I also don't want there to be any adopts used just to jump around from person to person, same with reselling.

And while I would like art, and for a good amount of adopts I have gotten, that is what I will have to work with for them (since I cannot resell them).

This doesn't mean I'm going to leave or anything like that, this won't happen for a long time, since I have met a lot of very nice and wonderful people. I may just take a very long break from buying like how I used to do things, so I can not only focus on regaining my financial situation, but also to focus on getting art of my own characters, mostly by me and the once in a while commission. I want to improve my own style and start my own career with artwork rather than doing what I have been doing now.

The other big reason I'm doing this is because of some pretty drastic changes in my life. I've lost a very close and dear person to me and it's been pretty rough (friendship wise). I actually had gained control on things until stuff happened and slipped down into some very bad habits. I've also been trying to rekindle friendships, focus on graduation, figuring out what I want in the work field, all of that fun and fantastic stuff.

I probably went on a lot more than I intended, but I just wanted to really clarify things here on my part. I'll be updating my main forum thread with new adopts I'll be putting up, along with saying what's up for trade and what not (since a lot of the ones I had on hold are no longer on hold)

I hope you are all doing good and I wish you all the best of luck!

Slow Responses

Posted 7 years, 7 months ago by MamuEmu

Hey guys, I just wanted to let you all know I do see the messages people have been sending me. I'm just going to be slow for a while, sadly I've had a lot of crap hit me over the past week or so, and it's been difficult to focus on everything right now. I'll try my best to reply when I can, thank you for understanding.

Attempting to Clean Out

Posted 7 years, 8 months ago by MamuEmu

Hello everyone! I'm slowly trying to find characters I am okay with giving to a good home if at all possible. Over the year and a half or so I've been purchasing adopts, I've collected quite a lot more than I anticipated. Right now I'm trying to figure out ways to give them to a better home and avoid cheap trades.

So I will be constantly updating what I can here. If you see anything that does seem like you may be interested in, you can send me a note! I'll try to tag what I can with NFT (Not for trade)!