MamuEmu's Bulletins

Late January Update

Posted 4 years, 3 months ago by MamuEmu

Hi everyone! Still been in a semi-hiatus with things. So a few things have come up that I want to make sure I will be clarifying.

First, and foremost, I will be most likely taking a step out of the community within a couple of months. I've talked about it and even questioned it, but I think I'll really be trying to go for it at this point. This doesn't mean I'll be clearing out my social media accounts or anything of the sort right now. As of this moment, however, I will be severely slowing down, even stopping with character adoptions. I've gotten a couple I wanted for a long time and while there are still a few out there I want and even new ones coming, I'm going to have to make myself stop for some time due to a few new plans this year.

This leads me to that big reason: I'll be moving within a couple of months, by the end of March is my goal. I will be officially moving to another state to try things out with my boyfriend more seriously. I want to see if we are more compatible than just week-long visits and online interaction, as I have plans I want to go with now that I'm well, close to 30 LOL (and really wanting to just go into the next stages of my life and no longer be in this pit of a mess I've been in since I graduated)

So with all of that said, I'll be changing my rules around, particularly with payment plans. I'm usually fairly flexible with them but at this time I will be setting them up to be 1-2 months now due to these changes. I'll also be requesting at least half of the amount due asap, and then the other half can be paid over time. I'll explain more once I get the chance to set up my rules once again, but I will be putting this into effect soon.

That's about it, hope you guys are doing well! I'm hoping to get back into art this year, just hard when I have so much going on x.x


Posted 4 years, 4 months ago by MamuEmu

I decided to put this here since I will be leaving for my trip tomorrow, thankfully I got the funds I needed and I appreciate the messages people sent for offers!

Anywho, I'll probably be on and off a lot for at least a week, but most likely once I come back I'll still take some time to myself. Once the new year comes around, I'll be doing quite a lot of changes. I'm looking to officially move platforms from DeviantArt and not keep constantly go on it, start my own small store, start writing and creating stories once again, learn to make videos again...I just want to really create again. I know I've said it so many times over the past years but I feel as this year progressed, I was able to finally start creating once again. It's still taking me some time to really get back into it and learn how to re-connect to social media.

I also want to adjust and not awkward with my age? I feel like with my age I should not even be involved with having cute OCs, making art in my current style, being involved with furries, I could go on. I know really it doesn't matter and nobody cares, but I guess I just care because I don't want someone getting angry over the fact someone much older sticks around to have fun.

Just rambling at this point, but I'll still be around here and there, just that I may be slow. If you really need to get a hold of me, you can contact me on Twitter. I won't pass out my Discord at this moment, not really comfortable sharing that due to past experiences from when Skype was popular.

I'll see you guys around, hope you all have a wonderful holiday!! <3

$15 Halfbody Sketch Ko-Fi Commissions

Posted 4 years, 4 months ago by MamuEmu

*Copied and Pasted from my forum post, please be sure to comment your form there! *

I have not opened commissions up in a long time but I am needing to try and get around $250 for my upcoming trip. These sketches will be done within a couple of weeks since they are so quick for me, but I will queue them up!

This is the sample that it would look like:


Please be sure to fill out this small form when you donate to the Ko-Fi link and comment here as well please!!

Character Name:
Character Image (non watermarked preferred):
Quick Notes:

Please send your payment (5 coffees of $3 each) to this link:

Once I get a queue started I will link it here too! 

Please remember these are going to be quick works and nothing super detailed. That is about it, feel free to ask any questions!

Purge - Heartdoll, Puffimi, more

Posted 4 years, 5 months ago by MamuEmu

Okay so, as promised, here is the massive post I was mentioning about for my characters! I may add more later, but I feel pretty solid on the majority of these. I tried to keep what I could not part with and moved everything into one folder.

Here is the folder:

I also have everything here open too:

I tried to list everything as best I could but the prices on here are not the final ones: I decided to do around 10% off but with how many I have listed I haven't been able to do all of the time for the math so I can do that if you discuss with me and I can give you the final price that way (hopefully that makes sense, please feel free to comment if you are a bit confused! ;w; )

Also please, no trade offers at this time unless the character has the 'trade only' tag. I'm looking for resales and vouchers more than anything at this moment in time due to the holidays coming up and also wishing to pay off some personal things.

I am willing to do holds for up to 3 days and I can do payment plans if it is discussed with me beforehand. I am going to go with those who can pay within 24 hours and no hold preferably. 

No e-checks please, I have had bad experiences with this and wish to avoid it as best as possible. If you have had a history of chargebacks I will NOT be selling to you.

**New set up for payment plans: If the adopt is over $100, I am willing to do a payment plan. You will be required to pay half of the amount, and the rest can be paid within 1-2 months given the price of the adopt. If this is not followed, I will refund the money and cancel the plan. I am on a strict deadline with reselling due to moving within 2 months so please do not be irresponsible with it**

I think that's about it, feel free to take a look!

Upcoming Purge! Discounts too!

Posted 4 years, 5 months ago by MamuEmu

So I wanted to give a quick update. Within the next day or so I will be moving a lot of characters (hopefully a lot) to be up for resale or vouchers. Currently I am looking for only currency for Christmas gifts, bills, and personal things.

I'll be noting a few people here who were interested in characters soon but the sale should be up within a day or so, probably right on Black Friday. I'll be putting up discounts so others can have a chance for them. I can do payment plans and holds if I have worked with you before but I will need a down payment first.

That is about it, I will see you guys soon!

Resale/Voucher Offers Open**

Posted 4 years, 6 months ago by MamuEmu

**Please make sure to read everything before offering!

**Update: I cleaned up the posting to help with some confusion, apologies about that! That was partly my fault with how I posted things originally, hopefully clearing out the extra stuff I had put up.

I decided to open offers up once again, however, I am mainly looking for resales and/or vouchers for products I want to get for Christmas, pay off bills, and just money in general. No trade offers unless said character you are interested in can only be traded.

Here are all of the characters I have up for offers:

These characters are for entertaining resale/voucher offers:

- I will do a hold for 24-48 hours, if I have worked with you before I can do about a week

- Depending on their resale, I can do a payment plan or split payments for those over $100. I wish to have full payment rather than a payment plan ^^

- PayPal only, and please NO echecks

- If you have had a history of chargeback please do not offer

- For those I am entertaining I will make a decision within a couple of days.

- Please be patient with my answer, I wish to take my time to answer on offers so I don't make a rash decision.

- You can ask questions on this post, but please note me all offers. If you have my discord feel free to ping me there.

I think that's all that is needed. Feel free to ask questions and such. Thank you again!

*Updated this post since I still have this open! Also throwing in a small update here to what I am looking for specifically. Also I will get back with everyone, apologies for not replying to everyone, just been a bit surprised at the amount of messages I have received*

Decided to go ahead and open some of my characters up for offers. I'm mainly looking to see if I get anything that really catches my eye if I truly do decide to trade away some of my bbys. I'm also looking for a 3 Way for this girl: (mainly looking for a bero to swap for them!)

Here they are! (looking mainly to resale ($450, I can do payment plans if discussed, but willing to look at trades of similar value) (looking to mainly resale ($80), or can do trades/swaps) (looking for mainly a trade, she has a pending commission still, mostly looking for a beromimi) (looking for mainly a possible trade or resale ($150), pretty tentative - wishing for another heartbby or beromimi) (looking to mainly resell ($65) )

I do have a lot more in my gallery but currently I don't have an official opening for offers on others I have not linked here, but you are more than welcomed to note me privately about them. (just keep in mind I do have a few I will say they are not open to offers at all and I can let you know those who are in that category)

Here is my wishlist to give you an idea of what I'm looking for:

And then you can check out my favorites here on TH to get an idea of what characters I'm mostly after too.

If you do happen to offer, I'm mainly looking for beromimis, heartbbys, galatiers, Squishbear designs, Hinausa designs, and possibly just things that fit my aesthetics.

If you are looking to do a 3 way trade, please discuss with me first about it as I'd like to make sure everyone is involved.

Thanks again for looking! ^_^

August Update

Posted 4 years, 8 months ago by MamuEmu

Hoping things are going well for everyone! I just got back from a vacation with my best friends and I am now settling down today after a fun and adventurous time. It was a much needed vacation x.x

Since I am back, I am going to be pushing even more to possibly rehome characters. While there are a few I am interested in for trades I will be looking to just clear our what I still have currently. My interest within gaining lots of characters has dwindled significantly and I wish to seek out designs I truly want for something rather than just collecting.

So most likely I will open a post for a OTA on some of my characters that do not have a lot of art even if I love them dearly ; ; ; 

That's about it. See you all later!

LF: $150 Ebay Voucher

Posted 4 years, 8 months ago by MamuEmu

Okay I know this might be a bit silly, but I have been eyeing a particular thing on Ebay and I'd like to get it asap. I have tried twice and lost to both postings, and there is one last posting and I don't wish for said item to get away. Sadly it is roughly $153 (for the final price + shipping)

I am looking to resell anything from this posting:

I am also going to temporarily open offers for those not in those tags for resale, but please keep in mind these are not FCFS. I will be picky with who I let go (and may not let go of at all, especially for those I just recently received), I will be more interested in reselling those who I have already marked than not marked.

I need to have the payment asap so I can pay for this item within 24 hours or less, thank you! 

July Update - Some good things finally!

Posted 4 years, 9 months ago by MamuEmu

So I wanted to give a small and quick update. Firstly, the biggest news: I finally got my new car!! The best news with it is that I can still afford all of my current expenses for the most part, but I will still have to be tight so I can save as much as I can and also use this time to pay back as much as possible so I can focus on school loans and this new car. Second, I decided to go ahead and give myself a huge break from adopting characters. I will probably still adopt here and there, but not at the frequency I've done in the past. The biggest reason, other than expense, is that I need to focus on myself and work on art a lot more once again.

I think that's really about it, I'm just very happy to finally have my own car for the first time (both cars I had previously were bought from my Dad and I drove them around). But hopefully within a given amount of time I'll be able to draw with the drive I had once before <33

I'll still be clearing out a lot of characters, if you see a character you're possibly interested that I have listed up, feel free to message and ask! I may open up a thing to offer on all of my characters, we shall see though.