Laserwing Universe

The world in which Laserwing takes place.  Technically this isn't a 'uni'verse, but that's a  spoiler.  The formal name of the universe is Tlaalense, but that also is  a spoiler.

Major settings in Laserwing:

  • Earth:  It's Earth.  You know what this is!  Laserwing Earth is pretty much regular Earth with mild superhero undercurrents.
  • Bislar: Where the space elves live.  Unity Stars Academy is on the planet Duaal in Bislar.
  • Former  Valluvinnian Alliance: Multiple civilizations in a tight-knit alliance  with Valluvinn as the hub.  Included the Bislari (elves), the Drenes  (three eyed weirdos), the Suud (bird wizards), the Rrigs (not quite  flatworms), and maybe some other guys TBA
  • Wek Republic: Bug  Space.  Contains several annexed non-bug civilizations: the Aohee (space  monkeys), the Suud (bird wizards), Nezrok (formerly a bug world, now a  junkyard full of nuclear mice)
  • Yaathelm: A galaxy that neighbors the Milky Way.  Completely colonized by the Yaathriel, the magic space tree people
  • Abyssal Space: Big ole tesseracty water pockets fulla fish kids
  • Zarlite Space: Vanysta Zarl's ever-expanding conquest off in some corner of space nobody else is looking at
  • Scythe HQ: An impossibly big space station where Nagyarlak's cult maintains the cycle of rebirth.
  • Unaffiliated pre-contact planets: Myztek (cats and raccoons), Scarca (barnacles), etc