Meri's Voidverse

this is a setting that acts as a big ol kitchen sink for me to put my oc drafts, settings, and projects. it's a big ol smorgasboard of my past projects, and I want to spend probably the rest of my life playing with it

I plan to run interactive webcomics and experimental media within it, and intend to open it up for others to experiment with, contribute species, grant permission for usage w/ open species, and other stuff. 

For now I have one forumventure running across two forums, Sufficient Velocity and Thousand Roads forum. The narrative is called Questant, and centers around someone who seems to have noclipped out of their old reality and woken up with amnesia in a dungeon. Most of my characters are designed with reusability, so until I have enough Questant-specific characters, everyone'll just be in this thread. 

Some inspiration sources range from yume nikki and it's fangames, the backrooms and derivative media / universes, pokemon, roadside picnic and derivatives, silent hill, satoshi kon films, surrealist art, and A LOT of other stuff to. I also owe what skills I have in worldbuilding or understanding how to run a forumventure like this thanks to The Cosmosdex (which is a whole in-universe scifi encyclopedia for it's setting), and the webcomic hosted on it called Fortuna (which is the big medium / format inspo for Questant and narratives I'll run like it!). If you see any articles by 'Voidtraipser' those are my pieces of work 8D (the art uploaded to those pages is respective to the contributing artists. very little of my art is up on the cosmosdex because my skills used to be much more bare)

Thank you for your time!

dreamcore voidcore alien esper psychic weirdcore oc psionic dreamcore oc objecthead weirdcore LoverIans Muses object head Male transhumanism Alien mon tamer backrooms human bara cookie run