Metie's Bulletins

New Webcomic Schedule
Sorry about this one;; I really need to adjust it for body sake.

M2MU - New page every 5-7days
Yesterday Once More - New Page every 5-7 days
Sword In Stone - A New Loresplosion comic!?! >:3c

Comics will be uploaded in odd/even format!
Hiatuses will happen occasionally which will often be followed by bursts of multiple page uploads!

Comissions will be worked on between the webcomic days!
Other media will be worked inbetween those days!
Same for personal arts if possible.

Hiatus! 2-3 weeks!

Posted 1 month, 24 days ago by Metie

Hi everyfluff and deary <3

I just wanted to say that I'm gonna go on hiatus for 2-3 weeks because of hospital stay! dw though! It's just for checkups!
I don't know if I'll have access to internet there so if I upload it might be here and there!

ily ❤️

The official Discord Server for 🪷 Crysanthanums 🪷 Webcomic + My Headworld is OPEN
Join Here! (note it is still a  bit WIP eue)


I'll post a lot of lore, updates and sneak peeks! If you ever want to learn more about my headworld or the webcomic this is the place to go <3
I post regular updates here and lots of other fun stuff like trivia :3c feel free to come visit 'w' <3. I'm always sharing info about the story ehe!
And anyone waiting for pages on ComicFury or other sites can hop on here for a one shop stop for early sneak peeks and plenty of lore and
other stuff!

This is mostly a silent server but I also have another server called Fluff Server! which is a comely super friendly dragon and creature community <3

There's kofi tiers to unlock more content at
(still heavily WIP!)

The Defence Division Answers your Questions! Onsite and Offsite c: PART 4
But this time we have some...stragglers??!

(You can post questions here if you want! or at me on discord. If you wanna ask anonymous questions the link is below!)

Click here for Anon Ask! 

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Ask Us Anything :3c
Answering Asks and the remaining questions from the 'Know Your Character' meme + Previous thread!

The Defence Division Answers your Questions! Onsite and Offsite c: PART 3

(You can post questions here if you want! or at me on discord. If you wanna ask anonymous questions the link is below!)

Click here for Anon Ask! 

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Ask Us Anything :3c
This time featuring the 'Know Your Character' meme

The Defence Division Answers your Questions! Onsite and Offsite c: PART 2

(You can post questions here if you want! or at me on discord. If you wanna ask anonymous questions the link is below!)

Click here for Anon Ask!

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Ask Us Anything :3c
This time featuring the 'Know Your Character' meme

🌸 Comic Updates 🌸

DD's New Recruit
63197534_QGuhvR67zxh7FSI.pngThe comic DD's New Recruit is slowly wrapping down to its finish!
Portalis and Teora are soon about to find their teammate(s). With
about 5-6 pages left, the comic is going to draw its conclusion. Instead
of daily updates, there's a chance I might shift to bi-daily or tri-weekly
schedule due to simultaneously working on another comic (info below).

As for whether the comic will be continued. Probably not yet. But definitely in the
future. Specifically considering that Crystalwing, Portalis, and (the new recruits)
are over-arching plot protagonists who are heavily featured in other stories as
central protagonists.

Author Notes #1
I'm kind of happy with how the comic is turning out. It's definitely far from perfect. and by gosh the inconsistencies in it is amazingly much. Either way? I'd like something to cringe about in the future. and it's going to be this comic lol. This whole thing was sort of meant to be an experiment, like see if it's possible to make a webcomic etc. with no expectation for it to be good (making a webcomic is completely a first for me). From now on I'm going to try to make more comics, under the Crysanthanum label! We'll be meeting a lot of the stuff introduced in DD's New Recruit. Hopefully the upcoming comics will be slightly higher quality with the lessons learned from the first 🥺

💎 What is Crysanthanum? 💎


Crysanthanum is sort of an umbrella term used to encompass these multiple short comic series under one.
I'm more inclined to include this as sort of a 'series name'? The series name was originally called Zeconian Endless,
but that doesn't quite have the roll of tongue to it compared to Crysanth. Not entirely sure yet but time will tell.

These stories are in all kinds of different genres, like wildly different genres. So it's kind of difficult to distinguish it
under one banner when publishing on webcomic sites. I mean like, I don't want to whiplash readers from reading comedy

to depressing. etc.

Author Notes #2 : So What's Next after DD's New Recruit?
I recently finished writing the script for Comic 2. and I can proudly claim that it has entered the thumbnailing phase! >:3c I don't think I will share too much about it yet, but authorized users will probably start seeing names of the protagonists/ and antagonists of it start showing up in inboxes already!  So what is this comic called? The comic will be called...

Yesterday Once More

Yesterday Once More will wildly detract from the previous comic. Instead of being a comedy/slice of life comic.
 The premise of the comic makes you follow a veteran team of 11 Characters. :3c
Most of the Characters in this comic are brand new. But longtime followers might recognise some obscure names appear 👀👀
If you've peeked through this folder.  I won't spoil the nature of the comic except that its genre will be high fantasy, action, wholesome and...
horror??? maybe. :} (Haven't decided yet fully tbh)

There's a lot of new stuff I want to try out in the next comic. One of them will mean the page system will be very different. among some other wierd additions.
I just hope it works out as intended in the end 🙏. But can truly understand if it doesn't since I'm still mega newbie at comics in general ^__^. Anyways these beloved
or notbeloved characters will start appearing in other series too eventually!

Uh, anyways I've included a little screenshot out of one of the thumbnailed pages... Shoulder woofs?? Shoulder woofs.

The Defence Division Answers your Questions! Onsite and Offsite c:
Ask Us Anything!

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PSA: Regarding Characters + Arts/Lore

Posted 1 year, 2 months ago by Metie

62540741_qYT8uCX1P2KE9fg.pngI can't believe I have to say this.


Every character In my TH already has lore and descriptions, and art. This applies especially for all Adopted Characters in my TH. Don't for one second think that I neglect any characters.


Just because I don't post pictures or text of them here doesn't mean a character doesn't have any lore or arts or I'm not using them. Most of the time it means that the information is PRIVATE (in tabs + authorization) and not ready or not meant to be posted in public, THAT or I simply HAVEN'T copy pasted the information on my TH. I already spend hours try to polish some character profiles before posting them on TH, I simply just don't always have the time. converting individual .csv / .FOUNTAIN / LaTeX / .docX segments to presentable TH format is   n o t   easy.


man writing this is stressful.



Please respect me before making any of these claims or accusations.
I quite literally don't owe anyone all my characters private information / lore

nor do I have the time to instantly post every bit of information from my hard drive.
however, you are free to ask. I do love sharing stories when time permits.
But keep in mind some of my own personal characters may require you to sign an NDA before anything.

I can't believe I have to say this as well.

new OC/art dump coming soon

Posted 1 year, 4 months ago by Metie

huge waves of characters incoming OTL >O>

(mostly because my hard drives are failing and I need to post them somewhere lol)