Mewblaster's Bulletins

Artfight Plug

Posted 11 months, 9 days ago by Mewblaster

Another year, another year of me shamelessly plugging my Art Fight. You know the drill.
Signing up for Team Vampire this year. (Bleh bleh-bleh)
I'll attack everybody back, even friendly fires.
I will be busier this year compared to previous years' Art Fights, but it shouldn't be too bad. I can be a speedy artist lol
Check it:

Title is pretty self-explanatory lol. I've been thinking about opening commissions for a long while, but I'm still pretty unsure.
I've got a Cashapp now, so that should make money transfers much easier for these kinds of things.

I've just still gotta decide if I wanna sell my soul to the heavy dues of (paid) art labor... Difficult decision.


I can finally accept those funds $$

Posted 1 year, 3 months ago by Mewblaster

Sup guys. I finally got myself an online checking account, after all this time.
I still don't have a PayPal or anything (unsure on if I'll be able to get one of those in general), but I can still accept money through things like Zelle.

What does this mean? Unsure exactly lmao, but I may open up commissions in the future if I ever feel like it. I'll also be able to accept money offers on adopts, sweet.
Just thought it was a neat thing, hope everybody has a great day!

Looking for art.

Posted 1 year, 4 months ago by Mewblaster

I am desperate to see artwork of my newer characters. (It would be so awesome, it would be so cool.)
Plus I "need" to get rid of a lot of the older characters in my UFT folder. They are older than my great-grandma. Lord have mercy.
I'll give essentially any of them away for art (excluding the ones that are currently pending, of course).
I'd offer to do art trades too, but I gotta be real my motivation is going crazier than my uncle on his rinky-dink dirtbike. (Although to be fair, my motivation isn't crashing into trees, so that's a score to add to the counter, I suppose.)
Hope I don't sound like a beggar here, I'd just like to get some of these designs outta the way and get some cool art while doing it. lol.

Have a great night, everybody. (Or day, because contrary to popular belief the world doesn't run on my timezone only. Damn.) 

There is a WORLD now (damn)

Posted 1 year, 5 months ago by Mewblaster

Alright, the friend I have been doing worldbuilding with is on this platform now, so we've decided to make a full-on world instead of that flimsy mock-up thing I had on my profile.
Feel free to check it out, it's pretty much the same thing as the old World Info profile, except with the power of COLLABORATION (oh, and shitposting. I have a feeling there will be a lot of that.)
Just thought id make a little announcement because this will be our first ever World (I'm not even sure if people follow up on the lore too much I just thought id announce lmao)

It's my birthday!

Posted 1 year, 5 months ago by Mewblaster

Yo guys, today is my birthday! (Dec 18)

I'm old. I'm prehistoric. Long ago, I played with the dinosaurs before school. I am ancient. I am crumbling into dust.

That sucks. But hey, in the words of MS Paint Emmy...

Yo it's not that important but I put some of the older characters that I never really drew in my Up for Trade folder. (I think most of them are near the back)
I know I'll never use them ever again so I figured I'd throw 'em' in there.

Looking at my old art is PAINFUL, man. PAINFUL.

Have a nice day, everybody.

Update on art status lmao

Posted 1 year, 7 months ago by Mewblaster

Haven't done much digital art recently, I've been low on ideas and even motivation at times.
I wanna get back into the groove, but I don't know what to do. lol.

If anybody has any ideas, suggestions, requests, ECT, send em' my way.
I can't 100% promise that I'll do everything, like I said my motivation has been pretty wonky as of recent, but I'd enjoy trying some stuff. I just need ideas, lmao.

Thank you. Yup Yup.


On a side note, I really want to kick this thing. Words CANNOT DESCRIBE how much I want to kick this thing.
It'll be like Charlie Brown and the football, only the football is this Vault Boy, and there is no Lucy to remove the Vault Boy from my foot. It will be the best kick EVER. The thing'll go FLYING. Seriously, the second this thing comes into contact with my foot, it's gonna ruin EVERYTHING. Our timeline will be shattered, all because of my inability to prevent myself from kicking this thing. There will be earthquakes. There will be tsunamis. There will be no milk in the grocery store. That sock you dropped on the bathroom floor will disappear.
Sorry, can't stop it... Its fate. My foot, its face... It's GENIUS, really. I can see it now. It's honestly a really good idea. I really wanna kick that thing, man.


Posted 1 year, 8 months ago by Mewblaster

Bro, does anybody else like to scare unsupervised children at Walmart literally SUCK at making actual character backstories/stories?
I can make concepts/personalities/traits with no problem, but when it comes to actual stories, YEESH that's difficult, LMAO. God help me.
I can make shitpost lore way too easily though. Way too easily. I'm concerned sometimes, honestly.

My lore is barren, my crops are wilting, and there is no milk in my refrigerator. Good day.

Why do I do this to myself

Posted 1 year, 10 months ago by Mewblaster

Greetings, beings with retinas. Have a great August. Farewell.