MisoFine's Profile Comments

Oh your art is gorgeouss!! I foudnyou by stumbling apon a character you made and i liked the art on her, notised you made em all and thought id tell ya how beautiful your art is!! :DD

AH!! OMG thank you!!! (´TωT`)

https://toyhou.se/16210900.tami Thats the oc btw! Also If ya ever wanna do an art trade lmk!!

Ooo sure thing!

Wanna add my discord? I'm ankoxen :3

Hey there! Would you be potentially interested in an art trade? Here’s my examples:


Ooo I feel like I remember you from looong ago lol 

Sure I'm down! If ya let me use this trade for some extra anatomy practice ;3

Yeah dude it’s been a while!! After you changed your username I couldn’t find you! Lmk what kind of anatomy you’re looking for (if there’s a specific anatomy you’re hoping to draw)! Also if you’d be down for potentially a nsfw trade lmk! I could use more examples for my commission work