Rhelicha Realm

Rhelicha Realm

The Rhelicha Realm is the main world I build on and it is also where most of my characters lives!
The setting is a mostly high fantasy world with different levels of magic and technology throughout it, depending on the society and which domain you find yourself in. In Rhelicha the earth is flat, the stars are sentient, watchful beings and the earth is home to many beings who has never heard of or seen each other before.

Places in Midjord

Explore some of the areas in Rhelicha!

Welcome to the Rhelicha folder and its tab system!
This tab system serves as an easier way to access spaces in my world and read up on them. Not all of the buttons are currently working, but I am trying to slowly fill them out! You can click on a group above to find specific places, where you will be lead over to a literature that will help sum up the space.

Midjord Roaming magic Human Brakesh Hell Roaming Magic Heaven Unholy Deity Demon Celestial Devil Vyrz Unholy Magic Angel Jalia Brilliar Concubus Greater Demon Srathigbea UATG Brakeshian Court Krakrasien The Pink Realm Abyssal Mage Calypto Unholy magic Xagia Vampire Vhasmir King Devil Holy Pocket Dimension Zharv Regibea Sin Holy Magic Cecaelia Nymph The Abyss Merbeing Qoiatus Bethibea Normourt Witch Avaryllia Holy Being Hellian Lyx Fungi Ousrei Demon Ezhi Irfae Starwing Abyssal magic Josrob Demon Soul Guardian Epilouge Celestial Magic Abyssal Magic Oaqva Star Mhose Slumberer Aelve Yenith Maudi Xagia Leader Ogben Crp OC Soulbound The Darkscape Imnienama Unicorn OBRN Olaila cop Mattingclam Katastrophe Spirit Frostbite Starchild Beldam Angel Carni Carnival Alekeno Death Josrob demon Roaming Nymphelicha The Four Monarchs Phlorabyss Dyobvia The Opera OTA Myth Oukir Yofra Holy magic Luminous Yacvra Pride exorcist Withermore Rider of the Apocalypse monster Unbound Spirit Howler Narrator Guardian Vhaefta Devil Solistelluna Star Child Cleapeia Rhosiara Angel Veyfalde Whistler Euriica The four Riders of the Apocalypse Mesmor Zagejl Ezhir ProudDelle Dragon Solistelluna court Evizal CAVIQ Ghost The PInk Realm Celestial magic Cryptid Necromancer Famine postman Gluttony Pocket DImension Construct Envy Life Sireene Objecthead Orm Gobbleing Ydan Angel Sleeping Star Infurnace Virtue Sloth Unholy Being Havdue Ellokir Phraia Brilliar Morravashk Jobyss Omemri Dream demon Monarch Yuliya Vampire Resident Arc Angel cult Nothingness Adentalis Familiar Siren Regizbea demon Basilisk Ydan angel Horsemen Prime Angel Hazrael Phoenix Xilbernaf Safnibea Wormling Fairy Hermit voidling Demon touched Primdal Angel Mdjord The concubi elite Bound Spirit Cendraek Devil Fairy bitten The Concubi Elite priest Restless Spirit police