Monto's Bulletins

Custom or art raffle

Posted 4 days, 12 hours ago by Monto

Custom raffle or finish the sketch design

16 Votes Custom raffle
20 Votes Art raffle
9 Votes Finish the design

edit: since the raffle is out you dont need to vote on this anymore LMFAO

im pretty much clearing all my art debt up soon and im at 257 subs so 🗣️‼️‼️  do yall prefer an art (probably a full + headshot for the winner ) or custom raffle i also have a design Sketched if yall prefer this


Adopt batch wip

Posted 1 month, 7 days ago by Monto

Adopt batch wip

took a day to take a break from coms and came up with these babs HSJDHFJ quite proud of them tbh 

Idk if anyones interested in a preclaim but itd be 40$ each to preclaim and you can choose their colors. Will be adding patterns to parts of the clothes too but you can choose specific patterns if wanted and request some edits to the design


might add/change up #1 a bit cuz she a lil bland