Adopt batch wip

Posted 1 month, 21 days ago by Monto

Adopt batch wip

took a day to take a break from coms and came up with these babs HSJDHFJ quite proud of them tbh 

Idk if anyones interested in a preclaim but itd be 40$ each to preclaim and you can choose their colors. Will be adding patterns to parts of the clothes too but you can choose specific patterns if wanted and request some edits to the design


might add/change up #1 a bit cuz she a lil bland


hi !! could I preclaim #4 if they're still open? :o

Oops i forgot to close this
Unfortunately im already done with their flat colors and theyll be ufo when i get the chance but tysm for the interest! :D 

ooohh alrighty!! thank you so much for letting me know!! ^^

these are gorgeous!!!!

#3 is claimed!

#2 is claimed! 

Dear lord someone save me from 3 😭🙏

HAHA 🙏💕💕

Monto..... can I preclaim 4 with oh sees?....

Im only lf money for preclaim sorry 😔🙏 they will be ota later if no one preclaims em

Sob, if no one preclaims would I have anyone?

Uhh yea you csn offer on any of em if theyre not preclaimed

Beats you, okies

OMG they looks so cool 😍😍😍

Love 2,3 and 4th one so much

I'll try to offer for them if I have a chance 💛

TYSMM <33 if nobody preclaims them by the time im finished (which probably at the end of today) theyll def be an OTA! 

Also wip of raffle i plan on doing soon
