Just A Dream

A comic about an idiot that almost gets herself killed multiple times but she’s a protagonist so she can’t die. Maybe. Probably. Wait can she die? good question. It would be kinda funny if she did though 🤷‍♀️ 

this is gonna be a mess until I can create proper profiles for each character, you’ve been warned.

important characters 

 quotes + Twig’s first thoughts upon meeting them

Aster - ”I don’t take the lives of my enemies. I break their bones and crush their pride, it’s far more civilized.“

”Its strange for such a violent, threatening cat to have such a fun personality. She’s nice to me, but I can’t really tell if she wants to hurt me or be my friend, she’s so difficult to read and it sort of scares me.” -Twig

Aron - “You’re here now, there’s no going back. Try to leave and you’ll die just as the rest of them have.”

”He’s annoying, and so stupid! How can he believe he’s helping anyone? He’s far too proud for his own good.” -Twig

William - ”I don’t believe rules are made to be broken, but maybe some rules were broken to begin with. Such rules shouldn’t be followed surely?”

”He does what he truly believes is right, and though I don’t always agree with him it’s clear he has good intentions. The poetry thing is weird though. Kinda cute, but mostly weird.” -Twig

Eloise - “All I want is peace, if I must live through chaos to achieve that peace. so be it. It’s all worth it for a happy ending, right?”

”Her quiet kindness is comforting, unlike the others I don’t find anything unsettling about her. How can one be so pleasant in such a cruel world?” -Twig

Elaina - “You have a funny name, are you a woodlander? My father says Woodlanders are untamed, but you seem nice.”

”My closest friend! We don’t see each other often, but I love her like a sister. I often wonder what things would be like if we weren’t so far apart.” -Twig

Lyric - “Speak quietly, never let your secrets escape you. You never know who’s listening, and nobody here can be trusted.”

”She’s insane, she’ll say one thing, then another that completely contradicts it, but she seems the only one with any clue of how to escape. Aster really doesn’t like me talking to her, which makes me curious, so I talk to her of course. They both tell me the other is not to be trusted. I’m not sure who to believe.” -Twig

Alyx - “No need to be afraid, most pain goes away after some time. In the end you’ll see, this is for the best, your sacrifice won’t be forgotten.” 

“…Another insane one! Everyone here is just.. off...! I’m pretty sure she would have killed me if William hadn’t got me away. What’s she doing in the king’s basement anyways?! And who would purposely put holes in their ears to decorate them?!?” -Twig

Oliver - “Don’t underestimate me! I’ve survived this long on my own, I promise won’t slow you down.”

”He’s just a kid, why does nobody care to look after him in such a dangerous place?” -Twig

 Thicket -  “If you keep chasing danger like this one day you’ll catch up to it, I’d like to say you wouldn’t like that, but I know you too well. Always after what others fear, it worries me.”

”Thicket was my first friend, I’ve known him my entire life! We do everything together. I just wish he wouldn’t treat me like a child, but it’s just like him to be boring and mature! He loves to annoy me.” - Twig

feline cat Cat Feline warriorcats Rat MossRat warrior cats Warriors warriors Fox Shinewing FOSL oc kitty original species kitten Murderdrones MossycatDesigns Murder drones Everfen