Namiow's Bulletins

starriewing raffle!!

Posted 10 months, 23 days ago by Namiow

@starriewing is making a pride adopt raffle! They're all super cute so check them out!

TOS 2023 Updated

Posted 2 years, 2 months ago by Namiow

If you own/want to buy a character/art from me, make sure to read my TOS and follow it. Please respect and follow the rules, they aren't that complex. 

I, as the artist hold every right to the produced work, not the commissioner. Therefore, allowed to use my work to promote myself anywhere, unless it is a private commission, which costs more. Commissioner is allowed to use my work for personal use with credit given correctly. You can not remove my watermark/add your own, or alter my work without my consent. If you break the agreement in any way, every right you had to the drawing will be taken back. If you file a chargeback against me or do not CREDIT me correctly (or simply not crediting me) your right to everything I have ever made for you will be retracted and I have the right to sell the copyrighted artwork to new buyers.

1-I do not tolerate any degrading tone to me, so please write respectfully. I prefer to be friendly with my customers. If things become messy because of the tone of the conversation, I have every right to cancel the commission.

2-  Please specify if you are commissioning for personal or commercial use. With commercial use, you can use it to promote yourself, use it as merchandise, use it as anything honestly, but of course with correct credit given. Commercial commissions will have additional fees that will change depending on the size of the purpose.

3-Either have a reference sheet or a well-written paragraph explaining what you want for the commission. I will try my best to send constant updates. You can ask for changes and I will try to fix it to the best of my abilities, but if you start degrading my work I will cancel the commission. 

4- Yes, I do changes when I'm working on the commission but I will not change anything after I'm fully done with the work. You do not have any right to not pay me, if you wanted a change, ask ahead of time before the commission is completed if you want me to make any changes.

5- Please read my pricing chart thoroughly, and see what costs extra so you will understand what I charge. I take my payment upfront but I can always do 50% before and 50% after. I only work with PayPal/MasterCard/Visa and USD. If payment is not done correctly/paid less than the actual price I will contact you expecting the right price/correction. If you stop contacting me, I will cancel your commission and blacklist you. Blacklisted people cannot commission or contact me anymore.

6-If we are doing an art trade, I expect you to, naturally, send updates to me as I do to you. Art trades are not commissions and you cannot constantly ask for changes. After we are both done with our work, we will send them at the same time since we do not want to be scammed. 

7- You can sell or trade a character but I expect you to contact me and tell me who you are selling the character to so I can keep track, also I will ask you to send the new owner to this link so they can read the TOS as well. You cannot sell a character for more than what you paid for unless you have extra art of them. If you sold a character for more than what you paid for, I will take the character back and have the right to sell it again. 

If you read this far and want to commission/buy something, contact me via my email at [email protected] and we can talk about it and proceed.