Namiow's Profile Comments

Hi! Me and a bunch of people were searching this users account and we came across this OC especially that seemed to be created by you, whilst given proof in the form of a screenshot that you created it, however despite you asking nicely in the screenshot, the first owner still took ownership of that design and artwork. Their user is @/p3achy_m3mo / and this was the character they used to own: , the oc has gone to another person and I'm just making sure you know so you are aware of what this person is doing. I recommend getting in contact with their current owner to fix this error because I hate to see these things happen. Sorry for bothering! ๐Ÿ’ž

oh tysm! i didnt know they had a TH so i never checked, ty for telling me ^^

Can you see if any of this work is done by you , itโ€™s all miscredited

i didnt do any of them ^^