Project: No Moho

Project: No Moho

"What do you mean, we're all gonna die?"
-Nakeiki (to Hiriwai)

Some time in a parallel universe, at least 50 years later from modern day.
The story all starts in an institute for recently extinct birds that had been specially built by a secret government organization to conduct ethical research (no animal testing involved) on these birds by studying them while the birds are kept in rooms imitating their natural habit whenever they are not "studying" at the institute. Basically Clone High, but for uncloned talking recently extinct birds.

Nakeiki is the new student at the institute. An extroverted and optimistic bird, she seeks to befriend most of the birds in the institute and get to know them. Makarovich was one of the first birds that Nakeiki had met, as they were in the same science class and all. Both of them had little to no worries in life... that is, until Hiriwai, the "perfect student" who excels in almost everything, tells Nakeiki a secret that she could not ignore. Things get even worse when Hiriwai, in an attempt to help find out about Nakeiki's past, finds out something that she wasn't supposed to know.

Now, it is up to Nakeiki, Makarovich and Hiriwai to decide what to do with their lives before they face the fate of their species. Either they all live their lives to the fullest and die happily, or they acquire more knowledge about themselves than before and die before their brains all fill with facts about how horrible life actually is.

bird pokemon oc pokemon clone high clone high oc bird oc anthro extinct animals extinct anthropomorphic extinct birds cowboy wildwest russia falcon movie oc cormorant world war ii avian world war 2