Mist Wolves

Things to Know

  •  If I see one of my wolves' mates on the trading post I will certainly break the pairing. 
  • Please don't Save my wolf's photos if they're paired. I don't like it. Feel free to save the link though. 
  • Also, for me with temp breeds, there is a chance where I'll edit their story so that the 'parents' still don't have pups in their story. If this is a problem for you let me know before the pups are born.
  • While I might not be active on the mate finding channels that doesn't mean I'm not looking necessarily, I just got tired of the 'do any of yours like any of mine' and large links. 
  • I always let my wolves be used for surrogates/donors.
    •  If we're not overly close (aka don't talk to each other) check for any wolf that's listed as 'Single'. 
    • If we're close (aka we do talk to each other) I tend to let wolves that are paired with another of my wolves be used for donors/surrogates. I mostly just don't mention it in their story.

Info about the "Packs"

All the individual packs belong to the NOR pack, but the smaller packs tend to just stick to their own groups. All wolves belong to one group or another(mostly):

Pack Atalante: The friends of Atalante who support her as the 'alpha' she wolf of the NOR pack. Atalante's platform is mostly calling the two out for being petty. Doesn't get along with Lokilani's nor Kolani's. [Anyone outside these groups do not care about this debate]

Pack Kolani: The friends of Kolani who support her as the 'alpha' she wolf of the NOR pack. Kolani's platform is since she's been here the longest the older wolves should dictate. Doesn't get along with Lokilani's nor Atalante's.[Anyone outside these groups do not care about this debate]

Pack Lokilani: The friends of Lokilani who support her as the 'alpha' she wolf of the NOR pack. Lokilani's platform is having more of a diverse group lead the pack. Doesn't get along with Atalante's nor Kolani's. [Anyone outside these groups do not care about this debate]

Pack Betta Fish Kingdon: King Bob is a unique bean in his own world. He just does his own thing and those in his pack just play along. Very lowkey group.

Pack Care Free: Two sides to the pack. Neohyd is attempting somewhat evil plots and you are either part of it or just going along for the ride. So either part of the nefarious plot or just extremely chill. 

Pack Don't give a carp: Group that just doesn't really like anyone in the NOR pack. They keep to themselves. Iclyn and Salvita try to kill each other daily.

Pack Mad Dash: A group of wolves that seem to be a strange mix of protector and slacker. Good folk over all. 

Pack Nature: Nature loves in the group. Everyone here is very calm and enjoy spending their days outside and wandering the territory. 

Pack Odd Ball: I can't even explain them if I tried.

Pack Pixie: As stated, everyone is a pixie or makes sure they don't get stepped on. Many personalities and opinions so a diverse group of small wolves.

Pack Protectors: As implied, they are the security of the NOR pack. They are all very athletic wolves, most aren't overly nice. 

Pack Star Chasers: A very very odd nocturnal group of the NOR pack. At night they go to an area by a river and sing, dance, tell stories, all night. A very eccentric bunch. As long as your kind you are welcome to watch or join the dancing. 

Pack Sugar Rush: You want high energy? Here they are. Most of this pack is just keeping Kalea out of trouble. Very adventurous and outgoing. 

Pack Superhero: Someone has to stop Neohyd. This is that group. They tend to work with the Protector pack when Neohyd is being quiet. 

Pack Trust: MW who went through some issues and as such have trust issues. They tend to stay to themself. 

Pack Family: Less obvious on paper but literally it's just a large group of wolves who look out for most of the pups. Kind of like a daycare but a lot of mothers/fathers are in there. 


Stardust 1 + 7 star dust (Jan, 2019)

1 shed claw 

70 MC

AC MC Count: 4, 15, 7,

Female Single Male Mist Wolf Driortarx Mist Wolves Nook Pup Driolet Inyoka Kasabania Refuge Faolan Perm Hexaclaw Masked Hallow Protector Pack Bigender Family CS OC Baby Nature Pack Taken Nooks Care Free Pack Suites Dont Give a Crap Pack Pixie Pack Make oc Pet Sugar Rush Pack Permed Dwarf Moth Pixie Kit Taken Other Suite Star Chasers Pack single Dire Lokelani Pack Pixie Loner Pack Pokemon Gen 2 Nebreita Astra Kolani Pack Male Pup Female Pup Family Pack Odd Ball Pack Pup Pack Olinas Kid Trust Pack Oc Superhero Pack Gen 1 Fallen Atalante Pack MIst Wolf Grub Closed Cs Betta Fish Kingdom Aira-Eira OC Sagi Gift Its Complicated Rag Tag Family no sell or astra will kill me then revive me pixie Slime Family Bi Pack Betta Fish Kingdom Sera Revamp Sierra Misty Not Looking Male pup aira-eira Midna Rianna Grayi Gulla Classic grub Gotta catch them all Breeder Emeritus Frafiran Mis Siblings Stick Together female Olina gen 2 Tsk Sun Monk Druid Perm Only Taken other Kashikoi Kitsunes Not sure if you can tell Male Dire No Sell or astra will kill me and then revive me j Lol mist wolf Dont give a crap pack Do not trade or I assume Tord will kill me Lady look like a dude Kunawyrns FOLLOW OR ELSE YOULL MAKE SHIVER SAD Serial Killer No date moth pixie is an adult Cause off base means I pick I think Im pretending Artie kasabania Refuge Evaeons Hideaway Adorable pupper AzazelKato Rogue OC CS Good Luck dude Mist wolf but seriously this is a precious gift Dire Male Please dont interact with him Probs never gonna grow good luck buddy Blepper Nature pack Olinas kid superhero Pack Star Chaser pack Heart DONT DO THAT BECAUSE YOULL CRY NO TRADE ONLY RETURN bad idea to date Betta Fish Pack bi Normal Star Chaser Pack Shiver LadyLoki Talk2mate Abbyz Raine Kyra Sinful Fighter Closed cs pet Dwarf Female Callidora Loner pack never mistreat or a fish slap for NOR Alpha He will kill all No Sell Cant ever grow Pack of all trades Sugar Rush Blep kasabania refuge Bi-Gender Not allowed to grow Olina Family First DONT SELL OR TRADE OR MASS WILL KILL ME AND THEN DONT BREAK DA RULES pup DONT MAKE SIERRA MAD Cs male bigender Adult Pack Care Free Zooblemew Massacre Tamashi TSK Blood Hunter Quilo Linnea Chibi Royal Trade only NOR is very tired Maybe know-it-owl No sell or Astra will kill me then revive me just Do not sell or Astra will kill me Its complicated He is my spirit animal. Agender Star Chasers I could be wrong but like good luck my dude Raffle Prize i think IMPORTANT RULES FOR THIS ONE Newly born pup Demon Wolf Series Bi Gender WIP mp olina Off Base I dont know classic bases but its fine I think CUTIES SkySwift Dandy Wist Inyokas Evaeon CuddlyEevee Sinistea Vampire