Palindrone Bestiary

PALINDRONE BESTIARY : This folder contains all of NoireNambu's characters relevant to the overarching headworld/species.

The Palindrone Beasts refers to both Dopplegangers and Duplicats!
- Dopplegangers; "Made in the void, out of the scraps of failed planets, dead stars, and  lost memories. They walk a plane of existence neither here nor a world  of their own, but between the folds of space and time as celestial  vagabonds. Acutely in-tune with electrical signals given off by the  living, they can easily detect emotion and absorb information by touch"
- Duplicats; "Known for duplicating sounds, scents, patterns, and textures related to the world around them, Duplicats  are one of many Earth-based descendants of the Doppelganger. Not unlike  some Avian species, they can perfectly repeat noises and even make  their own rudimentary sentences. They are mildly intelligent, curious,  and generally friendly in nature." - Zenophelion

[Dopplegangers/Duplicats & concept belong to Zenophelion on DA.]

To learn more about the species, please visit the group on DA:

PLEASE NOTE : All characters found within this folder will absolutely NEVER be up for sale or trade, unless I have moved them into a trade/sell folder. They are forever homed. So please, don't ask.

Human MTT Yol OC emotional support Saiyan CS Kitvoren Kitvo Kit DBH Sona Open Species Closed Species NFS Ryecat Rye Android Chimerinx Hannibal