Kitvoren - Masked

KITVOREN : This folder contains all of NoireNambu's characters relevant to the overarching headworld/species.

"100 years ago, the PANDORA'S BOX project succeeded in creating its first stable specimen of the species now known as Kitvoren. Since then, hundreds of others have come into existence, both before and after the project's fall. Now, without the restraints of their creators, they can choose for themselves how they wish to proceed in their new freedom." - LaBaskerville

[Kitvoren species & concept belong to LaBaskerville (DA) /MinxyBaskerville (TH).]

To learn more about the species, please visit the group on DA:

PLEASE NOTE : All characters found within this folder will absolutely NEVER be up for sale or trade, unless I have moved them into a trade/sell folder. They are forever homed. So please, don't ask.

Human MTT Yol OC emotional support Saiyan CS Kitvoren Kitvo Kit DBH Sona Open Species Closed Species NFS Ryecat Rye Android Chimerinx Hannibal