Chimerinx [CS]

CHIMERINX : This folder contains all of NoireNambu's characters relevant to the overarching headworld/species.

Chimerinx are a sapient, shape-shifting species of sphinxlike humanoids, created by mankind; first as designer pets [the "Urbane" Derivative], and later to fight their wars for them by proxy [Standard Breed]. When humanity went to battle against an alien species - The Arkillians - and ultimately lost, the leading political figures and top 10% evacuated the planet and abandoned Earth in favor of colonizing Mars.  Now Chimerinx, Androids, AI, Arkillians, and the remaining human beings must all make due with one another in the aftermath.

The word 'Chimerinx' is actually a portmanteau of the words Chimera + Sphinx. As the name implies, they are genetic amalgams - the result of which look roughly something-like a SciFi take on their ancient mythological namesake; the creature with the body of a lion and the head of a man. 

Chimerinx have two forms - Human, and Sphinx. Most Chimerinx prefer to remain in their humanoid form, however (due to it's generally broader-range of uses). Chimerinx change form by willfully manipulating their own genetic material. The process can be quite painful for some, which is, at least generally speaking, another strong deterrent towards picking one form and sticking to it. Still, other Chim find the process entirely painless, and will change form as often as they please.

[Chimerinx species & concept belong to both NoireNambu & Evios.]

PLEASE NOTE : All characters found within this folder will absolutely NEVER be up for sale or trade, unless I have moved them into a trade/sell folder. They are forever homed. So please, don't ask.

Human MTT Yol OC emotional support Saiyan CS Kitvoren Kitvo Kit DBH Sona Open Species Closed Species NFS Ryecat Rye Chimerinx Android Hannibal