02 | Species

SPECIES : This folder contains all of NoireNambu's various different original species characters - be they open species, closed species, semi-closed species, or otherwise.

All characters found within a single folder belong to the same headworld. Sometimes this includes humans.

My assortment of original species characters have been acquired through much time and effort - as contest entries, MYO events, purchases, or even as treasured gifts. Each and every last one of them is important to me, and all of them are dearly loved.

PLEASE NOTE : All characters found within this folder will absolutely NEVER be up for sale or trade, unless I have moved them into a trade/sell folder. They are forever homed. So please, don't ask.

Human MTT Yol OC emotional support Saiyan CS Kitvoren Kitvo Kit DBH Sona Open Species Closed Species NFS Ryecat Rye Android Chimerinx Hannibal