Avian Aliens

AVIAN ALIENS : This folder contains NoireNambu's characters for some miscilanious avian alien species.

Characters labeled as 'AvesAliens' are a (semi-closed?) Species.
The concept of my 'AvesAliens' is being credited to Zukuro, as he came up with a concept for a species of alien-dragon-birds and gifted me one [Distyrion]. Other 'AvesAliens' I have are characters of a similar nature; that being anthropomorphic bird-like aliens. At the moment there is no group or CS rules or anything of that ilk.

Characters labeled as 'Floravians' are an "Original Species Hybrid."
Floravians were created by - AviianStudios - who considers their hybrid creations to be a 'species', but not in the sense of an 'Original Species' which are typically either open or closed. As they state; "I think of them as humans see... well, real-life species. I may have 'discovered' the species, but I don't 'own' it, necessarily."

As both concepts are a bit nebulous, and neither are official species with groups where you can obtain one, I have decided that my Floravians and AvesAlien characters all occupy the same space, as they are essentially a lapsing of two similar concepts. I have merely put them in my CS/OS folder as the original concept for either aren't mine, and it seemed like the most reasonable place to store these characters in the event that anything ever comes of either of them.

[The concepts for both critters here belong to Zukuro & AviianStudios, respectively.]

PLEASE NOTE : All characters found within this folder will absolutely NEVER be up for sale or trade, unless I have moved them into a trade/sell folder. They are forever homed. So please, don't ask.