02 | Secondary Sonas

SECONDARIES : My secondary sonas are meant to represent a facet, rather than the whole. They are also all inspired by pre-existing characters from various IPs; 

Most of my secondaries are here to help me work through early-life trauma and mental disorders, such as: dysthymia (persistent depressive disorder), c-PTSD, extreme anxiety, athazagoraphobia (fear of being forgotten); rejection sensitivity & neglect/abandonment issues, gender dysphoria, emotional blunting, & dissociation. They are also a means of introspection, and in some ways that makes them more-pointed elements of self than Noire & Nambu. That also means that I feel very intensely about them, because they are such raw aspects of person - even if some of them are more inherently negative than others.

Anyone who is particularly close to me can probably take a stab at where the inspiration for these sonas come from. All of them are very deliberate riffs off of canon characters - however, they are not intended to be total lifts. More-accurately stated: While I do not vibe with the descriptor "kin", personally speaking, I do believe characters can affect you in a deeply personal and meaningful way. Sometimes you connect so deeply with a character because you see something inside of them that is also very intrinsically a part of yourself. These kinds of characters can leave a permanent imprint on your person.

When a character has left that kind of a mark on me, I know that there's something there to dissect. So I've named that element in honorifics of the character who planted that seed of introspection in the first place.

Sorted by order of importance. Order may be subject to change. All of these guys are set to authorized.

Human MTT Yol OC emotional support Saiyan CS Kitvoren Kitvo Kit DBH Open Species Sona Closed Species NFS Ryecat Rye Android Chimerinx Hannibal