NowItsDecaf's Bulletins

3 Years

Posted 4 years, 7 months ago by NowItsDecaf

It's hard to believe it's been, like, 3 years since I joined this site! I've hardly used it much, to be honest.

A lot has happened in 3 years; I moved out of a terrible household, I got a better drawing tablet, I live in the desert now. It's a trip, really!

So anyway, I'm going to try posting here more often. I have better art for my OCs, and honestly better writing, too. At least, I would hope it's better writing.

Shadows / Umbrians

Posted 8 years, 1 month ago by NowItsDecaf

This is just a bulletin for detailing out things about the Umbrians, or as they're commonly called, "Shadows," and their world.



  • Umbrians live in Umbria, commonly called "the Shadow Realm."
  • They are essentially like the souls of the dead.
  • They're classified as demons by some, ghosts by others. Umbrians typically don't go by either; they're just "Shadows."
  • Umbrians have two forms: a "Shadow" form and a "Living" (also called "Regular") form.
  • An Umbrian's shadow form allows them to shapeshift between one animal and a humanoid
  • The animal an Umbrian can shapeshift into is different from Umbrian to Umbrian.
  • An Umbrian's living/regular form resembles the form they had before they died.
  • Umbrians are able to use magic of varying levels.
  • Every time an Umbrian uses magic, their soul flame diminishes a bit.
  • The greater the spell, the greater the toll on an Umbrian's soul flame.
  • Some Umbrians choose not to use magic and instead take up other things, like swordsmanship or crafting.
  • Exposing a shadow-form Umbrian to excessive sunlight from the world of the living can weaken them.


Soul Flames

  • Soul flames are the life sources of Umbrians; if an Umbrian's soul flame dies out, so do they.
  • To keep the soul flames going, Umbrians consume both the souls of other Umbrians and the souls of living beings.
  • The color of an Umbrian's soul flame indicates the key parts of their personality.
  • It is common for Umbrians to devour the souls of animals from the realm of the living as living animals are plentiful and help to reduce conflict among the shadow people.



  • Umbrians have elongated bodies and typically appear taller in their shadow form than they do in their living form.
  • As a shadow, Umbrians have 3 large claws and a thumb on each hand.
  • Their heads resemble Jack-o-Lanterns in that their faces look carved out, and the insides of their heads are illuminated by their soul flames.
  • An Umbrian's legs will always end in a point when presenting as a shadow. Shadow-form Umbrians do not have feet and use the points at the ends of their legs to stick into the shadows of nearby objects and entities. They can walk around in the light without sticking to someone's shadow, but it becomes harder for them to keep balance that way.
  • Animal-characteristics are commonly found in both shadow-forms and living-forms. Some Umbrians use magic to hide said characteristics.

  • "Fates" are the rarest among the Umbrians. Their flames are royal blue.
  • A Fate's head and neck are covered in lace-like markings that glow the same color as their flame.
  • It's less common but possible for markings to cover a Fate's entire body.
  • A Fate's mouth does not appear "carved" like a common Umbrian's. Rather, a Fate's mouth looks as if the upper half and lower half are melting together.



About Umbria / "The Shadow Realm"

Red District

    A district full of fighters, warriors, and brutes. It was named after the red-flamed shadows that take residence there. An Umbrian by the name of Alev lives in this district, now ruling over the area with an iron fist and punishing those who claim territories from other districts. She's known for killing off anyone who dares to disobey her. Despite her violent nature, Alev has helped the red district find relative peace within the recent years. Rare "shadow beasts" can be found here. 

   The Red District is made up mostly of rocky desert with a small forest of red trees in the center, surrounding Alev's castle, a lake next to the forest, and a tiny mountain range on the east end of the district. An active volcano rests on the west end of the district. Citizens are advised not to go near the volcano. This district is a strict “Do Not Enter” zone if you’re new.


Purple District

    A district made up of mischievous thieves, rogues, and rebels. Purple-flamed and pink-flamed shadows share this land together as the Pink District was taken over by red-flamed shadows earlier on in their wars. Umbrian wolves and smokey whistlers can be found here, along with other forms of wildlife.

    The geography of this district varies greatly. A large lake rests in the middle of the district, surrounded by a medium-sized forest. A mountain range acts as the border between the Purple District and the Red District. A river on the far north end of the Purple District leads past another mountain range and directly into the Green District. On the west side of the Purple District lays a rocky beach. This district is somewhat dangerous, but manageable even if you’re new.


Green District

    A common place for tourists to visit. This district is mostly made up of salespeople, craftsmen, and information brokers. It's said that green-flamed Umbrians are hardworking and reliable at the cores of their personalities. It's not unusual to find Umbrians of other flames living here, though they are a minority. Many different types of strange fish can be found here. 

    A river runs straight across this district, dividing it in half. On the north half is mainly a large forest. On the south half is nothing but plains.This district is relatively safe for newcomers and guests.


Yellow District

    Nice on the outside, angry on the inside. The residents possess yellow flames and are seemingly nice towards any and all visitors, though it has been rumored that some of these Umbrians will kill anyone who lingers just a tad bit too long. Surely, that's just a rumor, right? A variety of avians can be found in this district, along with what appears to be something similar to field mice. 

    The Yellow District's north end is where the river from the Green District flows into a small lake. The main geographical feature you'll find in this district is a large, yellow field. A very small forest can be found near the south-east end of the Yellow District. This district is safe for visitors, but not so safe for settlers. Caution is advised.


Light Blue District

    Full of people who are adaptable and strategic at their core, although some less-so than others. The blue-flamed residents of this district live in hidden villages, so as to avoid any untimely deaths that may be caused by the red-flamed wars. It’s rumored that the villages lay up in the trees. Many different kinds of forest wildlife can be found here. 

    The Blue District is made up almost entirely of trees. It's nothing but a giant forest with a medium-sized lake near the north end of the district. This district is unsafe for visitors who can't climb trees or fly.


Royal Blue District

    The home of the Fates lays here. It is in the middle of Umbria and is surrounded by thick woods and monsters. Not much is known about the inhabitants of this district as they are hardly ever seen, and royal blue flames are exceedingly rare. No one dares to enter the area without an invitation. This district is a “DO NOT ENTER” zone, no matter your current status.


More to come soon!