NowItsDecaf's Profile Comments

Thank you for the favorite! <3

Also, I should viktimize you with some punishment sometime. ;3

[screams] I am so late with replying. I'm so sorry omg. Anyway, no problem! Dzhed is a really interesting character. ;3c

You're fine, I often forget to answer my own stuff, too. :x lol

I'm glad you like her so much, though. =u= If you want to take a peek, someone just drew me some new art of her.

Yeah, I have a really poor memory... orz aaaaaa I would love that! :D

Ehehe. Take a peep!

That's really good art!! :0 Wow!

Actually, I just finished up a picture of Val that took me around 3 days to complete. Wanna see?

5 Replies