
Tsuchigumo are spider-like entities as their features were said to represent that of an oni, tiger, bear...many varients and forms but depending on their class they will look very different from each other when it comes to abilies, skills as well as features. They are separated into four classes; The Black Ox, The Azure Serpent, The White Tiger, and The Vermilion Crane. The forgotten truth of these tsuchigumo was their ancient past. The Imperial Ursus Tsuchigumo were the first Tsuchigumo to walk on Atereon. They were large and powerful and were the creation of Izanagi to impress Izanami(His wife) as a gift. They represent Death, life, and beauty.

Tsuchigumo Cat Luxray rave Noivern Goat Shinobu Spidersona robot Elecman Shadow Lugia Flygon Undertaker DemonSlayer Pokemon gothic Lucario Salazzle Death Spider Megaman Snow Leopard Sandslash Lurantis Pompadour