Up for Offers

🌱 Characters in here are up for offers! Each of them have specifics as to what I’m looking for listed on their profiles, feel free to offer on any that interest you! 🌱

Thumbnail credit


**If you adopt a character here that was not designed by me you must adhere to the permissions listed on the character regardless of my T.O.S, meaning if the character says it can’t be resold then you cannot resell them after adopting them from me regardless of any additional art. You are more than welcome to ask the designers to change these permissions however.**

All adopts/characters created by myself can be resold assuming they fit one or more of the following criteria: 
-They were purchased with USD (can be sold for the original selling price)
-They have additional commissioned art (can be sold for the commissioned art price)
-They have additional high-quality art created by yourself (can be sold following your own art/commission prices)

*Fan art, freebies, and traded artwork DOES NOT add monetary value.*

If offering artwork: try to have it done in under a month, if you need an extension please let me know as I will be happy to give you one. If after 2-3 weeks I have not heard anything I will send you a reminder, if I don’t get a response then the character will be put back up for offers. I’m tired of having people offer art on characters and then go months without hearing a word from them :/

If offering characters: please check out my design preferences here, I’m happy to look over any characters but you will be more likely to be chosen if you offer characters that fit my preferences. Further more, don’t offer characters that you’re not looking to part with. If you say “anyone in my toyhouse” please specify if there’s any folders/characters that are off limits.

Important X AF Feral 2 closed species Vovin 3 Dragon Zzz anthro 4 dragon Cat AU fursona Dog ufs cute ota