Forget Me Not

Before, escaped convicts sought refuge out of the country. In the year 3062, escaped prisoners seek shelter in a different time entirely! Because of this, the Time Correction Center has enlisted Zone jumpers to travel throughout time to find the convicts and safely remove them from the time zone they reside in as smoothly as possible. In order to most safely remove the convict, the Zone jumpers will have to use their resources to capture the convict and fake their death or fake their leave from the area. This is done to leave no suspicion as to where the convict has gone, and to assure that the timeline is repaired, without a missing person.

  Here at the Time Correction CenterTM, we greatly value safety. 

  To protect liabilities, these terms cannot be broken. Failure to uphold these conditions will result in immediate removal.   

  • No more than 1 zone jumper in T.I.M.E.*
  • No civilians shall be harmed.
  • No weapons inside T.I.M.E.
  • No prolonged contact with others. This may cause a change in future reality.

What is TIME?

 Time, as we all know, is very important to our mission. But what exactly IS it?


TIME is the area around where a convict is positioned. Because they do not belong in this time zone, it creates a disturbance. Having more than 2 people from a different time zone at one TIME is very dangerous and could cause serious harm*. Because of this anomaly, the workers at TCC have created a failsafe pill, in case. Called the Forget Me Not, it allows the person who consumes it to retain their memory. When used alongside the Forget Me Now, it will successfully reset the loop caused by multiple temporals in the same zone, and effectively gives them another attempt. The Forget Me Not pills must be purchased outside of time so that they can have no connection to it and be completely independent. Many convenience stores have them pre-stocked, because TCC knew that this was going to be important in the future, and stocked up before time travel was invented. The Forget Me Not pill must be taken if one or more liabilities occur. 

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