Organic-Trash's Profile Comments

I much prefer being pinged on the characters comments, ty!

Hey idk if you remember me but we went to middle school together! My name was Frances at the time. 


NMMM I been doing a decent amount of art and I graduated!! Technically it was a GED lmao but still, wbu!!!!!

ooh nice congrats on getting ur GED!! I know it was especially hard for me after the e-learning transition, but somehow i got thru it too. I'm in colleege now, just been working all summer and doing art as well 😔✌

I wanna go to college but I'm scared of debt, and also not knowing how to drive. Is it ok if I add you on snap or discord? I can PM my username for whichever if it's cool

dude yea sure! id love to catch up and chat! I'm mostly active on discord but snap is guud too so u can pm both :] as for college yea, I was thankfully able to get just enough financial aid. I'm unable to get a car so I've been doing online classes and its going well so far! other than focus issues lolll

Damn, small world- I knew you through Xenny like 5 years ago. I saw your name and I was instantly thrown back like "wait, THAT organic-trash?! no way" lol. I doubt you know me though, but still xD

ey holy shit! I thought your user sounded familiar for some reason! I was just showing him my new characters on here yesterday x,] I don't quite remember, I just knew your name clicked and I was sitting here trying to figure it out. how are ya?

That's crazy x'D
My other name is CalamityFortune! You (or him) might recognize that one a bit more haha. I'm good! I think I just slept for like a day straight lmao- How are y'all? uwu

ohh ok lol yeah he said that user sounds more familiar to him :] I'm good! starting college next fall so I've been pretty caught up, but obsessing over my characters and cs communities lately. trying to go see xenny again but covid really ruined travel rules and we don't really have the money or free time

Yeah it's real fun to get caught up in OCs and species stuff ;D I saw my bf in January and hopefully again soon, getting my 2nd vax in like a week (ouchie). Xenny remembers Aranak I bet. Hope y'all meet up soon uwu

Hey bestie 😍

omg it's the baddest bitch on the block!!!!! 😨😨

Not as bad as you😫

Ty For The Fav ! ~♥

cute drawingsss

thank u so much!

can i buy charise of u <3?

somebody has asked before you, i am waiting for a response. if i get no response, then yes : )

shes confirmed bought now, sorry :(