Herbal Remedies

herbal remedies

The leaves felt like a welcomed old friend beneath the tired paws of the Hyphescene Rho that slowly muscled his way through the underbrush. He'd been on a three day trek, running for his life from the small towns that dotted the forests he now called "home." Once he'd found himself in good graces of Rhos until they found out he was infected with a pathogen that could easily take over their entire town. Now he was on the run and losing the battle to remain standing. He was sluggish, malnourished, and in need of rest--he knew this but he refused to give in until he was safe.

A soft voice would wake him the next dawn, finding he'd given out in the night. The Tersec Rho that called to him was gentle in nature, her yellow hues soft and inviting. He wanted to run but she only reassured him that all was well and he was safe. It was enough to bring him to settle for a time in the underbrush. She'd invite him back to her cozy dwelling for him to recover.

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