PK_Skeletons's Bulletins

Today, I learned some unfortunate news. Kind of.

I was notified through a comment on one of my ArtFight character profiles that I should not have my character (Christian,) drawn due to what his story contains. It had said that I also had a bad reputation on the site, which I am not entirely sure if that is true or not. Personally, I like to think that I am tolerated for the most part. So, after talking with a friend about that and her spilling the details (Bless her heart. If you're reading this, I would like to say that you are a wonderful human being! Thank you so much for being my friend,) on the whole situation, I find out that it is not nearly as serious as I thought it would be. Turns out, all I have is a post on that one TH drama tumblr account and like, I'm lowkey laughing. I was worried that I had an entire PSA about me, and rightfully so as people will tear you limb for limb on that subforum. Instead, it was just someone being petty on Tumblr.

Christian, alongside Porpoi, was made as a heavy coping mechanism. I went through a lot as a child, most of which I am not comfortable saying. It affects me to this day, to the point where I find it hard to function on a daily basis. If you are going to call my way of coping "dark," shame on you. He and his daughter are the reason I do not harm myself or others as I am able to express my trauma through them. I am not glorifying, woobifying, whatever you want to call it. I am expressing what has happened to me through fictional human beings. I am coping in a way that does not hurt myself or others. I cannot believe I have to say this, but I do not condone the actions in which my characters do. You always have the option of blocking me, I literally do not care if you do.

What makes me raise an eyebrow at this all is the fact that they had ONLY mentioned Christian. Not anyone else like Lukas or Josephine. Both Lukas and Josephine have also done horrendous things, though they aren't talked about at all. Lukas nearly killed his 3-year-old child because he could not contain his emotions, and Josephine is a murderous person and continues to hurt and kill simply because it makes her seem powerful and strong. Where are conversations about them? If you are going to criticize me on my characters, don't just single out on one of them. All of them have done bad things. Don't fall victim to double standards.

If you have a problem with me or what I do, simply block/IP block me. We don't even have to interact, ever. Sure, what I make may not be your cup of tea, but don't go and trash talk me on a site to which I don't even use. It shows me the kind of person you truly are.

Anyway, goodnight everyone, I hope you understand that I am simply defending myself here. Hope that you haven't switched sides on me. I'm not a bad guy for making bad guys! As long as you do not support or try to justify your characters actions, you're all good. And if you think that a creator blindly supports their character no matter what, please step away from the monitor and get some fresh air.

One last message:

Artfight, yeah

Posted 7 days, 11 hours ago by PK_Skeletons

You know what time it is. Unlike everyone else, I will not be making an entire thread dedicated to this event. I just finished writing down a description of everyone's personalities. Everyone besides two characters have their references done, and I hope to be able to do a few extra ones for some clarification. I am also actively working on filling my card out, making it extra fun by hand drawing everyone!

Enough rambling, here is my artfight account. Hope to see you all on there!

Also my fallout brainrot came back. Someone help I cannot stop thinking about it

Updates part two

Posted 24 days, 23 hours ago by PK_Skeletons

I'm typing this from my phone, apologies if it looks like hot garbage hvajsgjshd

Hello everyone! On the last post I made, I announced that the new bio I was making for Dakota was going smoothly. I am happy to say that all of the writing is done! All I need to do is make some art for the profile and it should be ready to be put out. Similarly, development for Christian should begin soon. I plan for Christian's rewrite to take quite some time as I want to get everything right, so do not expect another one of these large updates for a while. Along with a slightly tweaked (Get it, ahah) character, he will also be receiving a new code. I have one in mind that should make ready about him simple and easy on the eyes, opposed to the tiny text in his current bio. After Christian is done being rewritten, I'll be working on his daughter Porpoi, which will probably take less time than her father. She will also receive a new code as her current one is an eyesore.

In other news, I am now making new reference for all my mains and secondaries! Currently I have 4 done (Porpoi, Daniel, Christian, and Josephine,) and I have two more sketches lined up (Rhubarb, who I am actively working on, and Lukas.) Kip, Koriander, and Dakota will receive theirs after I am done with my current projects. This is in wait for this year's Artfight, which I hope to participate in. Closer to the time, I'll be making another post about my plans and giving out my username. Focusing on revenges again this year, prioritizing people with high attack ratios as well.

I am also putting down ideas for my new characters. I currently have 3 with solidified designs and I am actively working on designing the others. I will be releasing 4 original universe characters and 3 fandom character. I am also going to be releasing my first anthro/furry character, though he is not very furry. You'll see. The rest will be humans or human-adjacent.

Thank you for reading all the way down to here! Have a great day, I will be giving out another update hopefully soon.

Updates and plans

Posted 1 month, 12 days ago by PK_Skeletons


The new character bio is going along smoothly and I should have all the backstory written out by next week at the most. I am unsure as to when all the art for the character will be done, as I have a few different projects going on, but sometimes within May, the character should be completed. I will also be putting out a mini profile for the character, which will work as a nutshell.

Once that is done, I plan to release profiles for new characters. I have at least 6 I want to put out, so then I can do those in the future. After this character, the ones left do not have much to them, so they will be easy to do.

That is all for now. Tired

Thank you orcas I stole this from her



Posted 2 months, 4 days ago by PK_Skeletons


I have been laughing at this joke I've made all day


Posted 2 months, 14 days ago by PK_Skeletons



Now all I have left to do is Dakota and then I am set to start reworking some characters. Have a good day

I need to slow my roll

Posted 2 months, 16 days ago by PK_Skeletons

Hey guys

I keep coming up with ideas for characters like I have fallen into this trap. Currently trying to figure out the design for another leviathan and augh. I'm in way over my head. I have 6 different character concepts I need to put on paper and get my thoughts together about. I'm dying over here

Anyway Kip's bio will be done within the next few days. All I need to do is draw her icon

Oh my god

Posted 3 months, 14 days ago by PK_Skeletons

This isn't like an update on anything or me promoting something I'm just realizing that I am going to be 18 this year. I have zero clue on what to do but I will be 18 in about a little over 6 months or so and that is wild to me. I'll be graduating next year and who knows what I'm going to do from then on. Blegh

Alright peace out have a good one

Shameless plug

Posted 3 months, 29 days ago by PK_Skeletons

I opened up another art freebies thread, though all I ask for a a little headcanon. Maybe not so free, but hey look I'm doing art for the public again. Stop by and drop a comment IC if you want some art, first come first serve, though I will get to everyone eventually