PK_Skeletons's Bulletins

Wtf is a dreamy

Posted 8 months, 25 days ago by PK_Skeletons

Dreamies are such weird concepts. Then again, I've always thought of using real life currency to buy characters as extremely weird. Like, I find it so odd that people will spend several hundred dollars on literal ideas by others. I can't comprehend this at 5 in the morning and sick

I'd Rather Sleep

Posted 8 months, 27 days ago by PK_Skeletons

I feel horrible. My heartrate has been above 135 for almost 8 hours. I have a horrible pounding in my head on one side. I feel so weak. I want my boyfriend to worry about me, but he keeps shrugging off all that I say.

I might just be being dramatic, but I don't know. I'm worried about my health right now. I'm very sick and I don't want anything bad to happen to me and my family, especially on a fun vacation.

Oh well


Posted 8 months, 28 days ago by PK_Skeletons

My ear is in agony like, I keep hearing this beating sound randomly and its making me insane. Actually going to start punching the air It's so damn annoying

3 AM motivation

Posted 9 months, 2 days ago by PK_Skeletons

It's around 6:20 actually.

I thought of an idea that I might start doing sometime. Throughout the span of a month, I may write a small novella about a specific character. Each month is a different character with a different theme, highlighting a different part of their life. Thought it would be fun, gonna let this it on the back burner for a while though.

Dopamine hit

Posted 9 months, 3 days ago by PK_Skeletons

I am absolutely loving being active. I've honestly been craving something like this for a while now. Not as busy as social media, but still enough to keep by baby brain entertained. This is like introvert heaven to me. I can post when and where I want to without any stress, and I can choose to interact with others or not. I am absolutely living my best life.

Also, in a few days, I'll be gone for a bit. I'm going on a trip with my family somewhere for a week and won't be all that active as I won't be taking my laptop. I'll be sure to keep living my best life and get in one that big thing before school starts back up!

Fun times

Posted 9 months, 6 days ago by PK_Skeletons

I'm doing research on mute people right now as one of my characters (who I've yet to make a proper bio for, Daniel my baby boy I promise I'll get to you <3) is mute, and its damn fun to read about stuff and learn. I find educating myself to be fascinating, like learning new things. Shit's wild. Who knew I'd actually enjoy putting effort into personal projects?

The real challenging part is coming to a consensus with yourself on what caused your characters problems. Are they born that way? Did something happen to them mentally? Physically? It's all hard to decide. I'll think on it.

Aw fuck

Posted 9 months, 7 days ago by PK_Skeletons


Also pretty sure I missed my oil change yesterday, oops.

Anyway, I feel like opening up trades for a bit. I'm a bit exhausted right now but as soon as I'm all better again, I'll be ready to open them!

Anyhow, I'm also making some ToTK monster trades. I'm only trading for art, one day I'll find the energy to learn how PayPal works.

I don't know any other 'A' words to tack onto the beginning of sentences

My gift

Posted 9 months, 8 days ago by PK_Skeletons

Hello chat

So I've been obsessed with this video for the past month and I thought I'd share my brainrot with you all.

Vergil dancing meme template

Therapy is expensive, have this instead.

Woot woot

Posted 9 months, 10 days ago by PK_Skeletons

New character profile babyyyyyy


Posted 9 months, 10 days ago by PK_Skeletons

Why does coding have to be so tedious? Like, why can't it be super simple and easy? I will cry