The Lakeview Inn

As you open the front doors, the scent of varnish hits your nose. Sunbeams streaming from the overhead skylights glance off the mahogany flooring. Looking past cozy couches and outside the magnificent windows, you see glimmering waves ripple over a blue lake like liquid sapphire. 

But squeaky footsteps against the wooden panels punctuate the otherwise soothing atmosphere. Attendants run in and out of various halls and rooms carrying baskets of linens or carting plates of freshly cooked, mouthwatering food. They nimbly move around the varied cast of guests; one's head reaches the ceiling, and you're so busy gawking at them you almost trip over the strange creature with twelve legs scuttling past your feet. An amorphous blob struggling to keep its form from spilling everywhere talks to a flying fairy. Colorful hounds and felines prance about the lobby, gracefully weaving around other guests. The space designated for inter-dimensional portals leading to purple planets and underwater cities is constantly abuzz.

You approach the lady at the front desk. She hangs up the phone and tries to meet you with a smile bogged down with exhaustion. "Good day today! Are you here to check in?" A monstrous roar shakes the ground beneath your feet. Her smile falters as the phone rings again. "I'm sorry, we're in a bit of an 'all hands on deck' situation at the moment. Why don't you take a seat and have a chat with some of the other guests? We'll get back to you soon, I promise."

Primaries Folder

lobotomy corporation Human Humanoid nft nfs Feral Canine humanoid nftnfs ice Anthro strawberry God BIG WIP cryseivhen Druid snail Female CS rofeal