
Characters that belong to or are very close to a dinosaur or pterosaur species go here. Anything that is more monstrous goes in the Monster folder!

dragon monster anthro bird griffin drake fav cockatrice wyvern dnd alien dinosaur SS predacon transformers Robot mage urdaagi aquatic Fav amphithere hydra reptilian dungeons and dragons insect fan character avian dragonborn lizardfolk dd pterosaur lindworm paladin Gargoyle ghost Snake microraptor Dragons reptillian object head fc sorcerer bard Anthro old argonian gargoyle robot Dinosaur dos Sona baryonyx reptile western transformer kenku snake Dnd scifi Mass effect pterafolk dos2 pokemon trainer tropeognathus human kobold yuan-ti Minotaur Skyrim robots lizard pokemon pkmn DND eastern fighter humanoid fanchara warlock Dungeonsanddragons retired tes Monster geth Dungeons and dragons fanoc fancharacter pkmn trainer gem dragonborn