Rolling Mists, Quiet Moons is a text-based RPG coded in Python that is set in xianxia China! With a fully customizable player character that can be part of one of 6 available sects (non-binary and sectless options planned for future updates), a map with hundreds of unique rooms, and dozens of dynamic, unique NPCs to build relationships with (which can be romantic, platonic, familial, and even queerplatonic!), you’ll find yourself completely immersed in the world of Rolling Mists, Quiet Moons.


-Customizable pronouns and appearance!

-Six distinctive sects to chose from, creating optimal replay value!

-Unique interactions that take into account your actions, your relationships with other characters, and inter-sect political tensions!

-Options to create nuanced, multi-dimensional relationships with dozens of fun characters (yes, polyamory is supported in this game)!

-Drastically different stories and endings depending on your decisions! Branching begins early in gameplay, so make sure to study up if you want to get a certain end!

-A traditional and intuitive power-leveling system, and a thorough tutorial to give players a head start!

-Tons of loot to collect, including clothes and accessories, weapons, instruments, ingredients, and even just everyday items like perfume or calligraphy pens!

-Many interesting story-based quests scattered around the world along with assigned, periodic, easy quests!

-Many different ways to gain money and experience points; wit is just as important as power!

-Functional combat, music, writing, art, farming, fishing, crafting, cooking, education, politics, and more systems!

-Many more planned features and characters!

-Completely free!

-Open-source code for easy fan-modding and further customization!
