
Imperium High

Action • Slice of Life • Comedy

Teenage life is hard enough as it is, but when Lucas makes a sudden discovery that he's gained superpowers his life turns upside down. Lucas Mckenna Linn was a fairly normal teen, but after a freak accident leaves him with both an electric scar and an electric gift he ends ups recieving an invite from a strange high school he can't seem to find any info on.. "Imperium High.." A school made to teach "superkids" all about how to use their powers for good, but Lucas soon realizes that being a superhero isn't as fun as it may sound..

The Curse Of Lincoln Park

Horror • Feel-good • Mystery

Lincoln High is your sterotypical highschool, nerds, jocks, goths, all the generic cliques you can think of. Sam Jones is no diffrent as, a Lincoln high junior and a massive nerd. But instead of a big interest in math or chemistry like the others Sam instead has a facination in all things paranormal! Life is normal for Sam until they randomly get detention one day. Strangely enough one member of each junior year clique also ends up in detention, this unlikly group of people then find a strange magical book and discover a horrific curse thats been upon there humble town. Now this group decides to join together in order to figure out whats truly going on in Lincoln Park.

Squagle Land

Psychological horror • Adventure • RPG

Squagle Land is a Psychological horror RPG revolving around the agoraphobic home-body Eugene as he suddenly needs to go on an epic quest to save his boyfriend from the "spooky wooky woods." He soon discovers that the monsters aren't just horrific compared to his cute cortoony world but they are also representations of all his anxiety and fear.

The Misadventures of Kitty Mew-Mew

Surreal • Slice of Life • Dream-like

A universe based off a strange dream I had, The misadventures of Kitty Mew.Mew takes place in a far distant universe at a school in the middle of space. The schools structure changed and shifts however it pleases and you'll often catch students riding off to classes by minecart or horseback. It's not just the school thats odd however, the students also seem to not quite match their reality. Some will have strangely realistic forms while other will look straight from papper. And Kitty Mew-Mew and her crew are no diffrent!

Hazbin Hostel (Hazbin Hotel Rewrite)

Drama • Sit-com • Musical

A complete rewrite of Vivienne Medrano's "Hazbin Hotel", I saw a lot of potential in the show, did redesigns of the charcters and ended up making an entire world of my own. The story follows Ningal-ummī Morningstar, the daughter of Lilith and Lucifer, as she embarks on a quest to redeem the souls of hell. She encounters many faces in a sit-com like episodic series, her arrogance leads her to thinking she can redeem everyone and it certainly gauners attention from residents of both Heaven and Hell.. The show goes into the characters emotions and the diffrent forms of rehabilitation, how diffrent people react to simular things, and makes you ask yourself; "What is redemption?"

Miscellaneous Oc's!

Anything • and • Everything!

Somewhere to keep all my charcters without a clear world! You'll mostly find dnd ocs here, but its possible youll see some ocs for games or shows here too! Who knows!!

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