Watch Me Bloom

Status: In Development

Mere months after the race Hot Pants and Diego are ambushed upon return from delivering the corpse to the Vatican. Aloysius wants what they no longer have, but won't let that stop her. A fight with their time based stand lands the duo ten years in the future where they'll have to confront more than just enemy stand users seeking the corpse.

A fairly self-indulgent project I started to satisfy my need to fully explore Hot Pants, her traumas, and what could have happened had she not died fighting valentine.

These two serve as the antagonists of the story and have become rather fleshed out on their own.

Main Cast Delta and Co Blackwell Academy Inking Venus Jojo Myrefall Hearts Stand User Witch Crewmate New Romantic Sailors Steel Ball Run ABF Android Minor Anatagonist Demon Sisters of Mercy Canon Character Muse Lavender and Lies